News Archives

3 things killing credit unions en masse right now

3 things killing credit unions en masse right now

When a company or organization dies, one commonality among the majority is comfort. As I type this, I’m mighty comfy sitting in my plant room in my vintage Woodard rocking chair overlooking my garden. [...]

Guardians of the culture

Guardians of the culture

Being an HR Executive during the pandemic and the subsequent “great resignation” has been a crazy journey, to say the least. I have learned more about HR law than in any years previous because of [...]

Alterations to late fee safe harbor would have significant impact

Alterations to late fee safe harbor would have significant impact

The current safe harbor for late fees should remain in place, as any changes would have significant adverse impact on smaller financial institutions and consumers, CUNA wrote to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Monday. [...]

Share feedback with the Fed by participating in NAFCU’s annual survey

Share feedback with the Fed by participating in NAFCU’s annual survey

NAFCU is currently seeking credit union feedback on a variety of key issues, including lending and liquidity conditions, regulatory burdens, and strategic challenges. The association will share results of the survey directly with Federal Reserve [...]

Cards and cryptocurrency: The road ahead

Cards and cryptocurrency: The road ahead

How CUs will play in a cryptocurrency future is unclear but a major topic of conversation these days, reports David Pierce, CIE, CIO of $3.8 billion Canvas CU, Lone Tree, Colorado. “It’s something [...]

What does CECL mean for TDRs?

What does CECL mean for TDRs?

In this episode, we are joined by Mike Umscheid, CEO of ARCSys. Mike is an expert in everything CECL and will be touching on what CECL means for Troubled Debt Restructuring (TDR). There have been [...]

Let’s celebrate!

Let’s celebrate!

The Basel Committee’s recent release of its High-level Considerations on Proportionality is cause to celebrate for credit unions. While the Basel III Framework always had proportionality built into the standard, we have often observed [...]