News Archives

Define your purpose: 3 tips

Define your purpose: 3 tips

The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you discover your true purpose in life, motivation speaker Milton Hunt says. Hunt, a Native American who manages [...]

Hyland, Newfarmer honored by ACUM as 2022 Herstory inductees

Hyland, Newfarmer honored by ACUM as 2022 Herstory inductees

America’s Credit Union Museum (ACUM) has announced the inductees of their newest exhibit, “Credit Union Women Making History: Herstory,” which highlights a range of credit union women and their achievements in the credit union [...]

CFPB Director Chopra to address CUs at NAFCU’s Congressional Caucus

CFPB Director Chopra to address CUs at NAFCU’s Congressional Caucus

CFPB Director Rohit Chopra is confirmed to address credit union attendees during NAFCU’s 2022 Congressional Caucus. Credit unions can still register for the event, where attendees will engage lawmakers and regulators on a wide [...]

Women in the workforce and the double bind

Women in the workforce and the double bind

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues into its third year, many women continue to face outsized challenges in finding and maintaining stability, success and advancement at work because they are caught in a double bind between [...]

Focus on employees’ financial well-being

Focus on employees’ financial well-being

When developing programs that address members’ financial well-being, keep an important group in mind: your employees. “It’s highly likely that many if not all of your employees are members of your credit union. As [...]

CUNA GAC registration is open

CUNA GAC registration is open

Registration for the 2023 CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC) is open! Make plans to join us in Washington, D.C., February 26 to March 3, for the credit union movement’s premier advocacy event. We’[...]

Great leaders serve

Great leaders serve

At NAFCU, we pride ourselves on “extreme member service,” so a recent Mark Miller leadership article caught my eye. In the article Miller recounts a recent interview where he was asked the question, “What’s [...]