News Archives

Credit union leaders: Don’t delay board training

Credit union leaders: Don’t delay board training

You’ve either heard about it from your peers or experienced it first-hand: turnover in credit union board and committee positions is high. How high? Nearly 50% of credit union boards turn over every five [...]

August jobs report reveals strong labor force participation

August jobs report reveals strong labor force participation

The Bureau of Labor Statistics issued the August Jobs Report on Friday, which revealed that the unemployment rate rose slightly to 3.7 percent in August. NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt [...]

‘Eye-popping’ credit union loan growth

‘Eye-popping’ credit union loan growth

Our latest Economic Update examines the unprecedented credit union loan growth that we’re seeing, especially in auto lending. CUNA Chief Economist Mike Schenk details how and why credit union lending is higher than our [...]

The challenges of digital banking account opening

The challenges of digital banking account opening

There is a digital transformation in banking that is forcing banks to keep up or fall behind. Digital Banking has become increasingly important over the last decade. For most customers, this is because it is [...]