News Archives

Seeing the road ahead for small business

Seeing the road ahead for small business

Small businesses, much like local financial institutions, are heavily invested in the communities they serve. Their success is dependent on local customers. And these businesses often look to their local bank or credit union to [...]

A new employee value proposition

A new employee value proposition

“The Great Resignation,” “Quiet Quitting,” and “Bare Minimum Mondays” are just a few of the workforce phrases we learned, heard, and worked with over the past several years. They compelled managers, leaders, and organizations to [...]

CUNA backs FCC proposal to block illegal text messages

CUNA backs FCC proposal to block illegal text messages

CUNA and other organizations support the Federal Communications Commission’s efforts to identify and implement solutions to stop bad actors from sending fraudulent texts, CUNA wrote to the FCC Wednesday. CUNA’s comments were sent [...]

CFPB flags downsides of AI chatbots

CFPB flags downsides of AI chatbots

The CFPB Tuesday released an issue spotlight on how chatbots used within the financial services industry may impact the customer service experience. The bureau found AI chatbots are increasingly being used by financial institutions for [...]

Too many cooks in your credit union’s kitchen?

Too many cooks in your credit union’s kitchen?

Many industries are experiencing an interesting shift toward flatter organizational structures. The financial services sector is no exception. With fewer levels of hierarchy, the thinking goes, there is more room for autonomy. This creates space [...]

What is a charge-off?

What is a charge-off?

A charge-off on a credit report is a negative item that appears on an account when a creditor writes off an unpaid debt as a loss. When a borrower fails to make payments on a [...]

Twitter quitters, TikTok chaos and more

Twitter quitters, TikTok chaos and more

Social media is a shifty animal. It’s constantly changing. If it were in a zoo, the researchers would have no idea what to do with it. But shifty or not, your credit union or [...]

Tie-breaker ideas for director elections

Tie-breaker ideas for director elections

Since it is probably illegal to break a tie by cage match, credit unions need other ideas to employ when a board of director election ends in a tie. Feeling nostalgic, yet? Same. Your nominees [...]