News Archives

The 4 steps to build PFI status

The 4 steps to build PFI status

A healthy deposit inflow is the foundation of financial institutions. It provides the funding that financial institutions need to make loans, invest in securities, and provide other financial services. Without it, financial institutions can face [...]

Monitoring future risk is more critical than ever

Monitoring future risk is more critical than ever

Risk often comes in pairs, and right now, interest rate risk (IRR) and liquidity risk are the dynamic duo putting pressure on financial institutions’ balance sheets.  In looking at paths to address these risks, the [...]

Don’t let new technology determine your strategy

Don’t let new technology determine your strategy

Recently, I was addressing nearly 300 credit union leaders at a conference, and I caught myself saying something that I thought bears repeating. The topic was Interactive Teller Machines (ITMs) and I was giving the [...]

Shot to the core

Shot to the core

Working with a group of credit union leaders last week, hacking our way through the weeds of the exciting world of core selection, core conversion, and vendor consolidation, one of the senior executives asked a [...]

You MUST trust the WFH crew

You MUST trust the WFH crew

I love working from home. I could never say that before. I was pretty certain that I was powered by people. AND, truly I still am! It just looks different now. For the last 5 [...]