News Archives

The Culture of Borrowing and Debt: An Ethnographic Approach

Are your members golden? Are their emotional and financial lives at equilibrium? Filene had two pressing credit union questions: First, how do members conceptualize borrowing and debt, and second, how can credit unions respond to [...]

Planning and ROI: A Cheat Sheet

by: Eric Gagliano, SVP Client Management, MarketMatch It’s that time of year again. As you sharpen your pencil to start 2013 planning and budgeting, there are four important factors to keep in mind: 4. [...]

Secrets of Member Service Success

CUNA’s Credit Union Front Line newsletter recently asked Carla Schrinner, implementation manager and senior master trainer for CUNA’s Creating Member Loyalty™ program, to share a few secrets of member service success. Here are [...]

Does Your Credit Union Have an Audio Logo?

If I ask you to think of a logo in which you can recognize a brand with no words present, what do you think of? Nike perhaps? Maybe even Apple or Chevy. All of those [...]

NCUA Panel Discussion on Troubled Debt Restructurings

On Thursday, September 20th, the NCUA recently hosted a webinar on Troubled Debt Restructurings. You can register for and view the webinar here. If you were awake through one of our previous TDR presentations, what [...]

Strategies to Keep Your Best Members

Strategies to keep your best customers…the ones you already have...  Loyalty programs are an overlooked way to encourage the continued patronage of your Customers. They allow financial institutions to gather data on customer behavior [...]