News Archives

Some Constructive Help with Constructive Feedback

Written by Anthony Demangone It isn't easy criticizing a colleague.  We might call it "constructive feedback," but for the person on the receiving end, it looks and feels like a critique. If the thought of [...]

9 Interview Questions for Finding Innovative Leaders

by Matt Monge Most interviews are pretty boring, so it stands to reason that most interview questions are also boring. There are certainly exceptions, of course, but by and large interview questions are some of [...]

The Branch Ship Has Not Sailed

by: John Mathes, Senior Brand Strategist, Weber Marketing Group Fear not. This isn’t yet another post in the long line of recent rhetoric on whether the branch is alive or dead. You may be [...]

What Tech Initiatives Are You Implementing?

By Michael Bartlett During the recent Harland Connections conference, Credit Union Journal asked attendees what technology initiatives their credit unions were planning to implement in the final three months of 2012 or early 2013. James [...]

Five Important Guidelines for Focus Groups

By Michael Hudson Several recent conversations with credit union clients have centered on the idea of using focus groups as part of an internal cultural assessment, while others are looking to focus groups to help [...]

Customer Experience Important in Evaluating P2P Solutions

By Guest Blogger Brian Day, TMG Dwolla Product Leader Designed to help people move their money, person-to-person payments (or P2P) is exploding with emerging applications, devices and solutions. Because customers place a lot of trust [...]

Status Check: How Well Are You Engaging Your Employees?

By Christopher A. Pajak While we are still dealing with difficult economic times, we’re certainly seeing some positive signs of recovery. In particular, we’re seeing signs that credit unions are beginning to consider [...]

Is that Harassing Employee a Supervisor? Does it Matter?

The First Monday in October makes legal enthusiasts like myself as excited as Charlie Sheen in a liquor store. Today marks the start of another Supreme Court term and although the public is understandably more [...]

Are Your Online Members Cheating On You?

by: Brad Powell, President/CEO, Axiaware As financial services consumers continue to migrate to the online environment – for an ever-expanding array of services – it is crucial to be good at making their experience as seamless [...]

Probate Collections for Credit Unions

By Stuart A. Best, Partner Probate Collections require special care over and above following the law to make sure that proper respect is given to the grieving family.  Although probate collections is obtaining payment from [...]