News Archives

Stifling Credit Unions Stifles the American Dream

By Louis Hernandez, Jr. Credit unions have a long and rich heritage of serving as trusted financial intermediaries for Main Street America. They also have exceptional member satisfaction rates and membership growth. Yet, despite such [...]

Seven Signs You Need an ECM Makeover

As we head toward the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference in early November, I’m pondering ways IT organizations can address item #4 on EDUCAUSE’s list of top IT trends for 2012: “Improving the institution’s [...]

Credit Unions Will Miss You, Fred Johnson

by: Jay Kassing, President, MARQUIS What is more difficult, leading men into grave danger during the Vietnam War or mustering a common purpose with willing credit union believers?  I think we can agree that it [...]

Is Your Credit Union Speaking Klingon?

By DeAndré Upshaw Truth: I have no idea what half of the correspendence from my financial institution means. Even when i do understand it, I'm not sure why its happening - what is this $3 [...]

7 Ways Leaders Squelch Innovation

by Matt Monge I don’t think most leaders and organizations set out to squelch innovation. I really don’t. But there are some things leaders and organizations do that have the effect of snuffing [...]

Invest in the community rather than media

Invest in the community rather than media

When I first started working with credit unions I read about a big credit union that had stopped advertising. As a recent college graduate with plans of career success paved by award-winning advertising campaigns, I [...]

The Upcoming U.S. Presidential Election and the Fiscal Cliff

Guest post written by Hillary Elder, Director, Money Market Strategies, HighMark Capital Management In November 2011, after months of debate, Congress was unable to arrive at an agreement to gradually reduce the U.S. deficit. [...]

Tips To Improve Your Website

Tips To Improve Your Website

Last month I had the opportunity to facilitate a session at the Texas Credit Union League’s Marketing Conference on “Reviewing & Improving Your Website.” It was a “tear it up” format where two panelists/[...]

Presidential Burdens

Written by Anthony Demangone Whether you are a Republican, Democrat or Senator Bernie Sanders, you'd have to admit that being the President of the United States is not an easy job.  This fact is clearly [...]