News Archives

Small Credit Unions and Complexity

The NCUA Board is proposing to raise the asset threshold for a small credit union from less than $10 million in assets to less than $30 million in assets. It is also proposing to exclude [...]

Mention of Simpson Bowles Should Make Credit Union Ears Burn

As we move closer to the fiscal cliff – the combination of automatic tax increases and spending cuts scheduled to take effect in January unless Congress and the President can agree on an alternative – we should [...]

Business Development Trifecta Success

Last month I had the opportunity to attend a session at the Texas Credit Union League’s Marketing Conference on “Advanced Business Development Techniques.” Sean McDonald, president of Your Full Potential and founder of the [...]

Don’t Feed the Sharks, Credit Unions are their Prey

Don’t Feed the Sharks, Credit Unions are their Prey

by: Brad Roteman, Vice President Member Advocacy, Healthcare Systems Federal Credit Union The sharks are in the water. You can feel the frenzy in the water. They are circling their prey. Their teeth are showing. [...]

Keep Up—and Keep Using—Email

Email is one of the most important digital marketing channels, but it's rapidly evolving, according to Reggie Brady, president of direct marketing consultancy Reggie Brady Marketing Solutions.   “The biggest change is the influence of [...]

More Small Credit Unions Are Increasing Wages

The staff salary and hiring outlook at small credit unions are showing signs of life – mirroring the overall economy. Workers and wages are still reeling from the Great Recession and the tepid recovery, but conditions [...]

Be the One-in-a-million (or 663,000,000) to Your Members

Written by Liz After weeks of error messages and crashes, I decided to buy a new laptop before my current one finally succumbs to the blue screen of death. For a technophobe like me, buying [...]

Baby Boomer Budget-Busters – Can You Help?

With the 2012 election season coming down to the wire, debates, ads and talking points targeting niche  voters are out in full force. One of the largest of these groups is the Baby Boomers and [...]

Debit Fee Interchange Income: All Clear or Danger Ahead?

 In our last post, CUs’ Checking-Related Fees = Better Value for Consumers, we noted that increases in the credit union system’s other operating income as a percentage of average assets are generally off-setting recent declines [...]

10 Irrefutable Laws of Management

Written by Anthony Demangone My father majored in math, with a minor in physics.  If you know my father, you wouldn't be surprised.  He loves order.  He's neat.  He detests discord.  He obeys rules.  He's [...]