News Archives

There’s No Place Like Home

There’s No Place Like Home

by Kristen Christian, Speaker & Consultant, Founder of Bank Transfer Day Connecting financial cooperatives with members of the Millennial and Homeland generations will guarantee the success of credit unions, and therefore prosperity for the communities [...]

NCUA’s Role in Conversion Process Needs Scrutiny

On December 13, 2005, Representative Jeb Hensarling (R -TX) requested that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) investigate how the National Credit Union Association (NCUA) addresses the conversion of federally insured credit unions to mutual savings [...]

Credit Unions Save U.S. Consumers Millions of Dollars

by Gina Ragusa For cash-strapped consumers, joining a credit union may be one of the easiest ways to save money. A recent study conducted by the Georgia Credit Union Affiliates found that credit union members [...]

Marketing Your Credit Card Programs to Gen X

Written by Georgann Smith A new report covered in the article Gen X Favors Credit, but Will Millennials Ever Drop Debit? claims “Gen X is now the leader in card ownership, as 83 percent own [...]

Get Stuff Done

by Matt Monge I’m at a conference in Austin right now, and I’m super stoked about being able to be part of it. Why am I stoked? Well, the idea behind this particular [...]

The Case for Payday Lending Alternatives at Your Credit Union

Several of the credit unions that we work with have recently either started offering payday loan alternatives or have started the investigative process. At first look, a conservative credit union exec would hold their hand [...]

Why Do People Switch Banks?

Why Do People Switch Banks?

About two months ago, I changed the tagline on this blog. Thanks a lot for noticing [sarcasm]. Google it. It’s a line from a Grateful Dead song, but it perfectly fits the tone and [...]

Why Do Members Value Your Credit Union?

This seems like a simple question with a simple answer.  Far from simple, we often find that when we ask this of credit unions, it leads to great strategic discussion about who the credit union [...]

The Regulator is Not To Blame

Yesterday afternoon, a court in California ruled that former WesCorp CEO Robert Siravo was not entitled to depose NCUA Chairman Debbie Matz and former board member Gigi Hyland as part of his efforts to defend [...]

6 Reasons Core Values Matter

by Matt Monge Core values–or whatever you want to call them–are a BFD. Some folks might argue that they’re not that important, but I’d suggest they rethink that position because whether [...]