News Archives

New Study Shows 1 in 4 Have Been Victims of Credit Card Fraud

NAPLES, Fla. – A recent global study of more than 5,200 consumers conducted by ACI Worldwide and Aite Group found that one in four say they have been victimized by credit card or pre-paid card [...]

The Profit Risk Problem

The Profit Risk Problem

By Rich Weissman While credit and asset liability risk measure risks in the balance sheet, “profit risk”—a term coined by DMA—refers to the concentration of different streams of profitability within the income statement. [...]

SaveUp: Making Positive Financial Behavior Fun

By Matt Davis The Filene Research Institute conducted the first independent review of the SaveUp program (, an online tool that uses game thinking to engage consumers and reward positive financial behaviors. SaveUp [...]

Leaders: Consider Creating a Crisis

Leaders: Consider Creating a Crisis

by Matt Monge Here’s an odd organizational phenomenon that you’ll notice if you look for it: Organizations often don’t pay attention to important stuff until there’s some sort of crisis related [...]

Is Lazy Contagious?

by: Michael Ogden, Media Relations Manager for New Media, CUNA Mutual Group There’s a disease spreading throughout the credit union system. It’s contagious and the most vulnerable are the lazy people. It’s [...]

CFPB Leaning Toward Safe Harbor?

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is leaning toward providing “full legal protection” to lenders who provide qualified mortgages, according to an article in the Wall Street Journal.  If true, this would be an important [...]

5 Ways to Engage Staff in Disaster Recovery Program

Written by Kirk Drake Let’s be honest, many of your employees probably think BCP is for the geek squad in IT. Power goes out – call IT. Storm approaching? Call IT. And while IT serves [...]