News Archives

9 Reasons He’s a Better Leader Than I Am

by Matt Monge It’s always good to surround yourself with people who challenge you to get better. My friend is one of those people. You know how there are some people who are just [...]

Number of Problem CUs Fell During Q3

The number of problem credit unions, as well as shares (deposits) and assets in problem credit unions fell during the third quarter. A problem credit union is defined as having a CAMEL code of 4 [...]

Do They Know It’s International Credit Union Day?

by Ron Daly  Happy International Credit Union Day! The World Council of Credit Unions highlights CUs all around the world today and their work in their communities. Twitter's all abuzz (#ICUDay, if you're interested) and [...]

Fall Used Vehicle Market Report for Credit Unions

Fall Used Vehicle Market Report for Credit Unions

by: Layne Weber, VP National Remarketing Sales, OneMain Remarketing Two trends are evident as the fall season transitions into winter for wholesale used vehicle sales.  First, prices, though still near historic high levels, have softened [...]

Smart Critiques. Crazy Creates.

by Matt Monge Smart critiques. Crazy creates. I put that on a slide at a recent conference, but it’s something that’s been rattling around my freshly-shaven and extra shiny bald head for a [...]

Cultivate a Voice on Twitter

Twitter can be a great tool for engaging members and developing interest among nonmembers. Businesses of all sizes use Twitter for a variety of reasons, from marketing to customer service, according to PC Mag. The [...]

1970 Stein Connects CUES to its Past

1970 Stein Connects CUES to its Past

By Lisa Hochgraf Perhaps it's fair to say that the staff at CUES is all a little nostalgic this year as we both celebrate CUES' 50th anniversary and prepare to say "happy retirement" this December [...]

Is Wicked “Smaht” better than Smart?

Written by Anthony Demangone I love when someone challenges a common rule or assumption. We've heard this one before: Hire the smartest person you can find, and then get out of his or her way. [...]

Credit Union HARP 2.0 Demand Swells

by Gina Ragusa The need to refinance underwater homes under the Home Affordable Refinance Program 2.0 (HARP) has not waned as Arizona State Credit Union ($1.3 billion Phoenix, AZ) reports saving more than [...]