News Archives

Preparing for a “Superstorm” – Hurricane Sandy Tips

by Robin Remines With the uncertainty surrounding what some are calling  a “Superstorm” – Hurricane Sandy is sending the East Coast scrambling into readiness mode.   How , where, when and to what extent the impact will be [...]

When Rules Trump Common Sense at Credit Unions

When my team begins a relationship with a new credit union, we take some time to analyze everything about our new client. Our analysis goes well beyond marketing– into processes, culture, and staff.  What we [...]

Prepare for the Worst, but Hope for the Best

Let’s say you’re looking at your disaster preparedness plan this morning and it’s not quite as good as you’d like it to be.  If I was in that situation, I would [...]

Credit Report Errors Often a Nightmare to Fix

By Kelly Dilworth, A federal law is supposed to guarantee that credit report errors get fixed. So why do some people wind up spending months or even years trying to remove legitimate errors [...]

Interest Rate Risk Modeling—Do The Results Make Sense?

Many credit unions are increasing the number of “What-Ifs” they run. It is important that decision-makers do a gut check on the results being presented.  It is also important to understand that various modeling methodologies [...]

5 Things Employees Aren’t Thinking

5 Things Employees Aren’t Thinking

by Matt Monge Very few people enjoy going to work every day in an environment filled with distrust, negativity, gossip, complaining, lack of commitment, political maneuvering, and so many of the other ugly things that [...]

Can We Survive Without Fannie and Freddie?

Should the government directly guarantee mortgage-backed securities?  That’s the most provocative aspect of a proposal put forward by Jim Millstein, who oversaw the restructuring of AIG at the Treasury when it was taken over [...]

Are You Drowning Your Marketing & BD Staff?

Are You Drowning Your Marketing & BD Staff?

It happens gradually. Budgets are tighter. Employees are busier. Staff is downsized. Conferences are cut. Yet at the same time marketing and business development professionals face these workplace challenges, something else happens. Demands are increased. [...]

Highway to Hell Paved With Good Intentions

BY SARAH SNELL COOKE Credit union volunteers and professionals do what they do because they enjoy it–even get a sense of inner fulfillment from it–and are good at it. Otherwise, you’d be [...]