News Archives

Auto DMs Suck and If You Use Them You Might Suck, Too

BY DEANDRÉ UPSHAW By virtue of the work that I do, I spend a lot of time on Twitter. I keep Tweetdeck and the official Twitter app open on my Macbook through out the day, [...]

Are Credit Unions a Better Banking Option?

By JOHN GOWER In recent years, the turbulent banking industry has pushed increasing numbers of consumers toward financial alternatives to the biggest national banks. A taxpayer-funded bailout, new and increasing fees for basic banking products, [...]

Frivolous Friday: Credit Unions and Bands from the 70s

by Rob Rutkowski When I teach the legal aspects of social media, I usually ask the audience what the hardest part of doing a credit union blog is.  The answer?  Generating the content. You would [...]

7 Words to Omit from Your 2013 Action Plan

by Michael Hudson It’s that time again. The ideas have been shared, the options have been discussed, the critical decisions have been made, and the planning session is coming to an end. Everyone agrees [...]

What Cancer Taught Me About Leadership: Part 2

What Cancer Taught Me About Leadership: Part 2

  by Matt Monge “Put your arms over your head.” “OK.” “I can tell you’ve done this before.” “First, that’s what she said. Second, yes, I’ve been through this drill before.” Thus [...]

Harnessing the Risks of Social Networking in Finance

by GARY WRIGHT Whenever I get into a conversation about social networking with someone from a financial services firm the discussion quickly turns to risk and then almost fear of a force out of their [...]

Connecting With Hurricane Victims

BY ELIZABETH MORASH Credit unions can reach out to members affected by Hurricane Sandy in several ways. Hurricane Sandy flooded streets and homes, knocked down trees and power lines, and disrupted transportation and communication systems. [...]

Uncertain Financial Markets Ahead

WRITTEN BY HILLARY Five years after the onset of the global credit crunch, targeted U.S. short-term interest rates remain near zero and an anemic recovery poses the risk of the country slipping back into [...]

Banking & Branching Changing Forever

by Mark Arnold I recently had the opportunity to hear Brett King, author of Bank 2.0 and founder/chairman of Movenbank talk about “How Customer Behavior and Technology are Changing Banking Forever.” King issued [...]

Regulation is Not the Problem: Over-Regulation Is

Regulation is Not the Problem: Over-Regulation Is

Submitted by Marcus Rothaar Some bankers and economists will argue that there is no need for banking regulation, and we should just allow the private sector to create the appropriate incentives to protect against the [...]