News Archives

Budgets and Last Minute Field Goals

Budgets and Last Minute Field Goals

Written by Anthony Demangone Apologies to my New York friends.  The following photo may bring back terrible feelings.  Feelings that took years, and perhaps hours of therapy, to erase. For those of you with a [...]

No More Binders Full of Excuses.

No More Binders Full of Excuses.

I recently visited a handful of credit union and community bank branches, and had an opportunity to observe some of the interaction between “visitors” and staff.  Well, actually, it was a lack of interaction I [...]

What Defines a Great Member Experience?

“CEM” spells opportunity   Every business thrives on happy customers. Whether you call them “members,” or “clients,” or “customers,” bottom line success depends on the experience customers have with your products, your services and your company. [...]

How to Find the Perfect Checking Account: Think Small

By Brian O'Connell Banks are increasingly looking for ways to increase fees from consumer services - and one way they've done that is to stop offering checking accounts for free. Now banks, large and small, [...]

The State of Branches In The Age of Automated Banking

This extensive, must-read briefing on branches from Bancography tackles everything from transaction declines and location closures to consumer preferences and cross-selling. The rise of electronic transaction channels in banking has raised fundamental questions about the [...]

Election Day as a Deadline vs. a Holiday

by Ron Daly  November 6 is Election Day. We're positive that all of our readers are voting - they're all good citizens who are wise, engaged and informed - let's not focus on that. Let's [...]

Fail, not Failure

Fail, not Failure

by Laura Eblen, Mazuma Credit Union & Cooperative Trust Failure is hard, it’s messy, it can be really embarrassing, and sometimes it just plain sucks. But what if you were graded on your failures? [...]

“High Rates, Bad Service, and Outdated Technology”

by Bo McDonald I flipped on the television one evening during a recent trip to Denver for the CUNA Community Credit Union and Growth Conference. Since we’re close to the election, almost every ad [...]

Is Your Team Aligned? Is it Ready to Execute in 2013?

Is Your Team Aligned? Is it Ready to Execute in 2013?

by Tom Glatt, Jr. As you prepare for the execution of your credit union’s 2013 strategic plans, consider this question: Do you know whether the organizational priorities of your management team are aligned? Furthermore, [...]