News Archives

Cancer & Leadership Part 3: Don’t Wait

by Matt Monge The waiting’s the worst. And it’s one of cancer’s secret weapons I think, at least as it relates to the human psyche. Because there you sit–and there I [...]

Your Biggest Challenges

by Anthony Demangone I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to ask you for some help today.  As you read this, I'm currently at NAFCU's Management Development Institute.  I'm with 70 or so credit [...]

Try This Exercise to Gauge Your Emotional ‘Wake’

By Daisy Nelson White, Ph.D. As each of us travels through our day--at work, at home, and in the larger community--it is vital to our own success to be aware of the impact we [...]

Penny Wise and Pound Foolish

Penny Wise and Pound Foolish

by George Pasley, iMazuma Let me tell you, getting mobile alerts that inform you that $800 was withdrawn from your account when you haven't spent anything is unnerving.  A few weeks ago I awoke to [...]

Developing Profitable Auto Loan Growth

A competitive auto finance environment has made it increasingly difficult for credit unions to maintain and grow auto loan portfolios, with new car loans being a particular challenge. With the appeal of 0-percent APR financing, [...]

An Overlooked Market Segment with Great Potential

by Joe Swatek I came across an article about business-to-business marketing that went on and on about marketing analytics, advisory boards, pricing strategies, and coordinating all the various advertising media. Wow. I got tired just [...]

What Credit Unions Can Learn From Dwight Eisenhower

What Credit Unions Can Learn From Dwight Eisenhower

by Bo McDonald While putting the final touches on our marketing and strategic plans for 2013, I ran across this quote from President Dwight Eisenhower: “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.” Those words came [...]

À-la-carte Banking Becomes a Reality

À-la-carte Banking Becomes a Reality

  BY SIMON ZHEN You can choose the parts for your new computer. You can select the features of your smartphone mobile-subscription plan. You can “build a bear.” Customization: a retail model that thrives on [...]