News Archives

Plan to Succeed in 2013!

Plan to Succeed in 2013!

By Jay Kassing, MARQUIS Are you ready to get the growth you desire in 2013?  Will your plan be different than what you did last year?  How will you make it easier for your members [...]

Finally a Tailwind?

Finally a Tailwind?

With declining interest rates and anemic total loan growth for the last three years, it’s nice to see the winds may be changing. In the October Credit Union Trends Report, Dave Colby talked about [...]

The Importance of Knowing Your Customer

by Dominic Suszek KNOWING YOUR CUSTOMER is not just a regulatory requirement, it’s good business. The challenge of complying with customer due diligence regulations is far from over. A review of recent regulatory penalties [...]

Credit Unions Might Be Reaching ‘Strategic Inflection Point’

The credit union system faces challenges and opportunities of incorporating digital convenience along with the co-op model of service and governance. Just to keep up with competition and members’ preferences, credit unions must maintain a [...]

I’m Game! Are You?

by AMY ETHERIDGE So yes, I am still in shock at the fact that I am actually a CU Water Cooler Editor. This title was given to me at the CU Water Cooler Symposium that [...]

Planning your EMV future today

Planning your EMV future today

By Brian Scott, The Members Group (TMG) It’s no longer a question of if EMV is coming to the U.S.; it’s a question of when will all issuers and acquirers be fully [...]

Quit The Blame Game: Look in the Mirror

Each day I spend about 30 minutes to an hour looking for content relevant to credit unions, marketing, and success. I try to find cool and unique content to share with the YMC team and [...]

Low Credit Score? All Is Not Lost in Getting a Loan

By Brian O'Connell (TheStreet) -- This month we looked at how banks, mortgage lenders, and credit card companies are digging in their heels on granting credit to low-credit score consumers. By and large, any U.[...]

Helping Gen Y Weather the Economic Storm

by Mark Arnold Americans under the age of 35 are suffering the largest wealth gap on record between older and younger Americans. This group of young people known as Generation Y or Millennials (people born [...]

What Credit Union Leaders Can Learn from Miss H.

What Credit Union Leaders Can Learn from Miss H.

by Devin Selte I remember the first time that I felt my integrity was called into question. It was the year 1997. A time when the death of Princess Diana shocked the world. A time [...]

The Credit Union Membership Growth Problem

The Credit Union Membership Growth Problem

by Tom Glatt Jr An information firm catering to the credit union community recently posted online that credit unions grew membership “4.0% annually, faster than their annual pace of 3.5% in June.” This [...]

Credit Union Gives Away Miniature House

Credit Union Gives Away Miniature House

by Steve Topper Branding opportunities occur at the strangest places. While shopping at an estate sale this past Saturday I encountered a miniature house that had been given away by my local credit union.  Upon [...]