News Archives

Making Sure Soldiers Have Homes for the Holidays

by Henry Meier The Office of Comptroller of the Currency released a memo yesterday providing banks a reminder and brief overview of amendments made to the Soldiers And Sailors Civil Relief Act that become effective [...]

Is Your Strategic Plan Really Strategic?

Is Your Strategic Plan Really Strategic?

by Mark Arnold As we approach the end of 2012, most financial institutions are already focused on 2013 and their goals for making next year successful. Both credit unions and banks have more than likely [...]

5 Team Behaviors to Establish Trust With Your Members

WRITTEN BY CHELSEA For any business, trust is key for retaining customers and attracting new ones. For credit unions, establishing trust is even more important because you are dealing with very sensitive issues—their money [...]

Bank’s “Trojan Horse” Sneaky Fee Strategy

by Gina Ragusa Mounting news reports of massive bank fees and poor customer service would make many believe that banks are losing their stranglehold on the American consumer, however Jim Blaine State Employees Credit Union ($[...]

Self-Awareness & Self-Acceptance (Cancer & Leadership: Part 4)

Self-Awareness & Self-Acceptance (Cancer & Leadership: Part 4)

by Matt Monge A couple interrelated ideas that I wrestle with–as I suspect others do too–are the ideas ofself-awareness and self-acceptance, and specifically self-awareness and self-acceptance in regards to leadership. This is an [...]

5 Ways to Build Relationships With Members

5 Ways to Build Relationships With Members

By Dawn Poker, CUES Growing a business is all about relationships. Obviously, marketing is integral to the success of any business. However, establishing relationships with your audience, more often than not, will seal the deal. [...]

The Difference Between a Bank and a Credit Union

Choosing between a bank and a credit union is a common decision that stumps consumers who are looking for a new place to stash their money. By understanding the differences between banks and credit unions, [...]

Why Cap Growth?

by Steve Pociask  As the end of the year fast approaches, there is a lot of work left for Congress to do. Getting the budget in fiscal order is imperative and represents the single most [...]

The Next Generation of Credit Union Leaders

by Shazia Manus What an outstanding honor to be named one of the credit union movement’s 2012 Women to Watch! I could not have been more humbled. As I celebrate this honor with my [...]