News Archives

The Two Bones of a Credit Union

by Bo Mc Donald I mean no disrespect in this blog post. In fact, I write this because I see it as an issue that credit union executives and I struggle with at times. It [...]

Are Financial Cooperatives Even Relevant?

by Mark Arnold I recently had the opportunity to visit with Adam Schwartz, the president of The Cooperative Way, a consulting firm that works with cooperatives on their principles and values. Schwartz has worked with [...]

The Case for the Big Branch

By Jeffrey P. Marsico I had a very interesting conversation with a bank client today. He called me to discuss, among other things, his bank’s expansion strategy. During the discussion, I mentioned that I [...]

ATM Machine Skimming: Anyone Can Be at Risk

By Jennifer Stone There are many ways you can take action to protect yourself and your loved ones from electronic fraud. One way is through the use of an identity theft protection service. For a [...]

Is Your Branch Network Ready for the Next Growth Opportunity?

In the business world, it’s all about being ready to capitalize on the opportunities of today and those that will emerge tomorrow. Is your branch network set up for peak performance across markets to [...]

Predictive Analytics: What Lies Ahead?

Let me begin with a disclaimer. I believe that what I'm about to tell you is true, but have no way of proving it. Apparently, a grocery superstore in the U.K. has become so [...]

Business Intelligence and Your Bottom Line

BY JEAN HUY Working Past Some Myths to Realities of BI The term business intelligence and its acronym BI are so pervasive in today’s data-intensive lexicon that it’s a challenge to know just [...]

Member In Control

Member In Control

by Stuart R. Levine, Stuart Levine & Associates LLC In order to position themselves for success in the future, credit unions and financial institutions must accept the fact that their relationship with their customers or [...]

Bad and Good Advice About the “Fiscal Cliff”

By Dan Solin If I hear "fiscal cliff" one more time, I will consider jumping off a real cliff. The financial media is in hyperactive overdrive, breathlessly dispensing what passes for investment advice. Here are [...]

How to turn a Customer into a Fan

by Ian Bowen No it’s not a magic trick with smoke and mirrors, though come to think of it many will probably consider it so. On the occasions when I have experienced the transition [...]

The OODA Loop of Agile Decision Making

BY RUSSELL J. WHITE An important skill for an agile credit union is the ability to be decisive in indecisive times. Previously, executives and boards made all important decisions once all the facts were in [...]