News Archives

What the Jets, the SEC, and Credit Unions Have In Common

What the Jets, the SEC, and Credit Unions Have In Common

by Henry Meier The biggest story in sports over the last couple of days is that Fireman Ed, that famous Jets fan who taught generations of fans how to spell J-E-T-S (after all, Jets fans [...]

The 8 “Must Haves” of Leadership

by Anthony Demangone A few weeks ago, a large group of credit union industry leaders gathered for NAFCU's 2012 Management Development Institute. The day's facilitator, John Spence, gave them a task.  Each attendee had to [...]

Farm Wisdom

By Barb Kachelski, CAE My father was born and raised on a farm. One of his classmates taught him how to flush a toilet when he went to school for the first time. His family [...]

Remember the Member Voice

Remember the Member Voice

Josh Allison, Think Café Consulting Are you leveraging the collective voice of your membership? Credit unions have historically hung their hat on the idea of member-ownership and a volunteer board of directors. This unique corporate [...]

A Game of Leapfrog

by BRENT DIXON Most people working in the financial industry are familiar with "unbanked" and "underbanked" people. Underbanked people may have a credit union or bank account, but tend to rely on alternative financial services [...]

What is a Credit Union? Young People Don’t Know.

By Melanie Friedrichs Next week Andera is hosting a webinar with Tim McAlpine, the man behind the Young and Free credit union youth marketing movement, and that has given me enough of an excuse to [...]

Do Credit Unions Belong in MBL?

by Chuck Anderson In this article we are going to explore the types of loans a credit union should consider when planning its MBL program. You have probably already heard a great deal about commercial [...]

The Real Must-Have Job Skills For 2013

by Ron Shevlin A Wall Street Journal article titled Must-Have Job Skills in 2013 asserts: “For employees who want to get ahead, basic competency won’t be enough. To win a promotion there are four [...]

Shoppers Out in Droves: 5 Things to Know for the Week

BY SIMON ZHEN Every year, it seems like Black Friday gets a little crazier and a little more extreme. This year, retailers decided to open door earlier — before you even had time to finish your [...]

The Importance of Being Agile

The Importance of Being Agile

by James Theimer, CRI Solutions Agile development has gained a lot of momentum in the software development world in recent years for its ability to assist an organization in developing products more accurately and quickly [...]