News Archives

Your New Best Bet for a Mortgage: Credit Unions

By Jeff Brown NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Shopping for a mortgage? Be sure to check the offerings from credit unions, which are issuing loans at a record pace and are often approving applicants shunned by [...]

Could F-Payments Be the Next Big Thing?

Could F-Payments Be the Next Big Thing?

by: Aleia VanDyke Discover has just announced that it will begin testing fingerprint payments at its corporate headquarters in Redwood City, CA, and soon employees will be able to pay for their cafeteria food and [...]

What is Your Front Line Staff Really Like?

What is Your Front Line Staff Really Like?

by Mark Arnold Financial institutions preach service, service, service. We train our front line staff to offer a friendly greeting, make eye contact, use the consumer’s name and know at least something about our [...]

They’ve Got Mail (But Do They Open It?)

There’s a marketing adage that says getting new customers is great, but retaining your current customers is even better. Recently, we’ve discussed unengaged members and ways to help reconnect with them. But what [...]

Frank Keating is Wrong About Credit Unions

By Patrick Donovan I feel compelled to respond to American Bankers Association president and CEO Frank Keating's opinion piece on 28 Nov 2012 denigrating Credit Unions. Banks have been trying to eliminate credit union competition [...]

How to Rebuild Credit with Secured Credit Cards

By WISE BREAD Whether you’re just coming out of a divorce, filed for bankruptcy recently, or are considering bankruptcy because of your poor credit history, you’ll need a solid credit repair plan to [...]

Fatigue – Staff burnout

by Anthony Demangone I recently spoke with a good friend who is the CEO of a credit union.  I asked him what he struggled with, as CEO. Staff burnout, he said.  Almost without hesitation. Since [...]

Top Credit Union Applications Overlooked in Recovery Efforts

by Robin Remines Top Applications Overlooked in Recovery Efforts – Not so “critical”? – Think again! So you’ve completed your Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and it looks pretty darn good. During a crisis you will focus [...]

The Proof Is in the Pudding: Skimming the New Bankruptcy Code Rules

by E. Andrew Keeney Many credit unions are pleased, or at least temporarily pleased, with their current delinquency rate. All are concerned about potential increases in delinquencies in 2013, 2014, and beyond. As rates begin [...]

Creating the Right Leadership for the Future

BY STUART R. LEVINE This past month during our firm’s senior leadership team meeting, we watched a video from featuring Liane Hornsey, vice president, Operations at Google.   The smartest CEOs and their [...]