News Archives

Demystifying Student Loans

Demystifying Student Loans

by Mark Arnold Loan growth—every credit union is seeking new ways to grow their loan portfolio. In an effort to offer new loan products, some credit unions are turning to private student loans. But [...]

FED Peers Over Fiscal Cliff

by Henry Meier Today and tomorrow the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee holds its last meeting before the American economy is either saved from or tossed over the fiscal cliff.  So it shouldn’t [...]

Time To Reassess

Time To Reassess

By Michael E. Fryzel, NCUA The end of the year is usually the best time to look back, review accomplishments, reevaluate goals and objectives and reassess a game plan as you move forward. 2012 has [...]

The Difference, In a Nutshell

by Anthony Demangone With the fiscal cliff looming, the issue of taxation and credit unions is getting more attention. I'm a firm believer that Congress was pretty smart back in the day.  They conferred the [...]

Does the ‘Free’ Model Work For Your Bottom Line?

Better—and often free—checking accounts remain a strong selling point for credit unions competing with banks for new members. Consumers are more likely to find free checking at credit unions and small banks than [...]

The Un’der’banked Don’t Need Banks Anymore

by Brett King Traditionally, if you wanted to move money around, save cash, pay a bill, purchase something at a store, or otherwise have some sort of systemic access to your cash as you moved [...]

Business Lending Idea Worth Stealing

By Theresa Witham A few years ago, I wrote a blog post about American Express’s program to connect small business card holders to other AE business card holders in the marketing field for a [...]

You’re Not in Kansas Anymore

by Gene Blishen It does seem that innovation is being constantly pounded as a key factor in how to make our credit unions resilient and alive. We have an ample number of innovation consultants now [...]

What’s the Greatest Threat to Your Credit Union?

by Henry Meier To me, the two greatest threats to the credit union business model are the virtual bank and the inevitable competition we will face as big-box retailers offer more and more banking services.  [...]