News Archives

Pressure is a Privilege: Growing on Johnson’s Legacy

By Lisa Hochgraf As we prepared to host Thanksgiving for 18 a few weeks back, I found my "Meal, Ready to Eat" as I was getting down the chafing dishes. Commonly known as an "MRE," [...]

Tailor Products to Meet the Needs of Changing Households

The makeup of American households is changing, points out the U.S. Census Bureau's “America's Families and Living Arrangements: 2012” survey. The shift is paramount for credit unions that must replace aging members with new [...]

Age Doesn’t Matter in Mobile Banking, Study Finds

By Philip Ryan A recent study of 2.5 million online banking customers by Intuit Financial Services found that older customers behave no differently than younger customers in the mobile banking environment. Another important conclusion [...]

Good Check$ Make Good Balance$

by Mark S. Brantley, Esq. In 1803, Chief Justice John Marshall was faced with a constitutional crisis of monumental proportion. Could and/or should the U.S. Supreme Court issue an order to then Secretary [...]

Be Aware of Man-in-the-Phone Fraud

Be Aware of Man-in-the-Phone Fraud

by Nicole Reyes Man-in-the-Phone fraud attacks is a type of cross-channel fraud attack has been on the rise in the last few years. The key to combatting it is to make customers and financial institutions ([...]

7 Money Things to Do Before the Year Is Over

7 Money Things to Do Before the Year Is Over

BY AMY HE It’s been a long year of reelections and declining rates, but 2012 is finally coming to a close. We know that all you want right now is to finish the year [...]

Do Disclosures Make a Difference?

by Henry Meier Our well-meaning but ultimately misguided friends at the CFPB pride themselves on their cutting-edge approach to rulemaking.  On the one hand, they pay homage to the  power of free markets to produce [...]

Loan Growth Strategies for Smaller Credit Unions

by Scott Butterfield A new year is upon us and with it comes a new budget and a new round of loan-growth strategies. While there are signs of life on the lending horizon (the most [...]

Random Acts of Kindness as a Marketing Strategy

Random Acts of Kindness as a Marketing Strategy

by Mark Arnold Random acts of kindness. Depending on your perspective it’s a movement, a foundation, a week, a great idea or something we should practice on a regular basis. But is it also [...]

The New Face of Consumer Banking?

by Steve Topper Today, the face of consumer banking remains a landscape dotted with a variety of brick and mortar banks and credit unions - each with its unique name and logo.  Remote ATMs reinforce [...]