News Archives

Definition of Hotsite, Coldsite, and Warmsite for Credit Unions

by Royce What is a DR hotsite, coldsite, and warmsite? The standard definition is below: Hotsite – A disaster recovery facility that mirrors the organization’s production databases and other IT resources in real time. A [...]

Focus on Your Customers

by Joe Swatek Who or what is the most important aspect of your advertising? You can tell the correct answer by the headline on this post. I saw a marketing tip for retailers that said [...]

Credit Unions Paying Out 2012 Bonus Dividends

by Ken Tumin One of the advantages of credit unions is that any profits credit unions make are paid back to their members. If a credit union has a good year and its reserves and [...]

They Can’t Be This Foolish… Can They?

by Henry Meier When you woke up this morning or went to bed last night, you should have heard the news that Speaker of the House John Boehner failed to get “Plan B” passed.  What [...]

A More Personal Approach to Member Service

by John Taylor When it comes to your members, you know more than you realize. Thanks to modern data archive and customer resource management systems, there is now little shortage of member information—both individually [...]

Tips for Smart Holiday Spending

by Barrett Burns The holiday shopping season is now in full swing. Malls and other retail outlets have their decorations up and holiday music playing, enticing us all to shop for our friends and family. [...]

The Twelve Days of Electronic Marketing

by Ron Daly If you’re waiting until the last minute to figure out that perfect gift for a special someone, might I dissuade you from looking into giving them the “Twelve Days of Christmas” [...]

Build a Gen-Y Fan Base from the Inside Out

by Georgann Smith As Gen Y becomes a more influential demographic in financial institution (FI) growth strategies, credit union and community bank leadership must avoid the temptation to make assumptions. It’s easy to assume [...]

Elite Financial Institutions Need Elite Sales Force & Training

by Mark Arnold Investing in employees is one of the most effective ways for a financial institution to grow—especially your sales staff. The way they connect with consumers directly correlates to the way those [...]

2000 Credit Unions Reported a Loss During Q3

by Keith Leggett According to data from NCUA, 2,000 federally insured credit unions (or 29 percent of the industry) reported a loss during the third quarter of 2012. A vast majority of the credit [...]

Thank you, and Happy Holidays

Thank you, and Happy Holidays

by Anthony Demangone As 2012 draws to a close, I want to say thank you. From your emails and comments, I've learned a great deal. NAFCU works hard to make things easier for our members, [...]