News Archives

Top 3 Reasons to Consider a Cloud-ECM Solution

Top 3 Reasons to Consider a Cloud-ECM Solution

by Glenn Gibson The idea of running enterprise applications in the cloud is no longer revolutionary. single-handedly managed to slip cloud-based CRM into many high-profile organizations, without anyone seeming to bat an eye.  [...]

On Alabama and the Big Banks

On Alabama and the Big Banks

by Henry Meier Yesterday was a good day for Alabama and the big banks.  For those of you who may have missed it, Alabama crushed the Pontiff’s Maulers 42-14 for their second consecutive national [...]

An Idea Made Better

An Idea Made Better

By Michael E. Fryzel, NCUA Board Member A legendary clothier in Chicago by the name of Sy Syms coined a slogan that he used in all his commercials and was part of his business philosophy. [...]

Start Working on Your 2013 Intern Program Now

By Theresa Witham Does your credit union work with interns? An internships program can be so beneficial to all involved: students, credit union employees and the Credit Union as a whole. Bringing in college (or [...]

Addition by Subtraction

by Anthony Demangone As a society, we have a built-in inclination for more. If you aren't growing, you're dying. We need to do more, with less. And if you buy now, we'll throw in another....[...]

A Parting Chat with CUES Fred Johnson (part 2)

A Parting Chat with CUES Fred Johnson (part 2)

by Mike Lawson Here is part two of our discussion with CUES President/CEO Fred Johnson calling it a career after 23 years at the helm of the Credit Union Executive Society (CUES). A great [...]

An Embarrassing Route to Strategic Success

by Jeff Rendel Many thanks to Mel Robbins, author of Stop Saying You’re Fine: Discover a More Powerful You and monthly columnist for SUCCESS Magazine, for putting me and many others on a more [...]

Top 4 Trends for Credit Unions in 2013

by Sean McDonald Happy New Year! Now that the hustle and bustle of the holidays is behind us, it’s time to focus on the upcoming year and what is in store for credit unions.  [...]

The Year of the Website Makeunder

The Year of the Website Makeunder

by Laurie McLachlan Only a year ago, just about every bank and credit union website looked a lot like this one from Wells Fargo.  Home pages were filled with laundry lists of products and services [...]

Driving Team Performance: Motivation Vs. Inspiration

Driving Team Performance: Motivation Vs. Inspiration

by Bo McDonald “I need to find ways to motivate my team…” Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Every credit union that we speak to is struggling with that same issue. The folks who have [...]