News Archives

Stop The Social Media Metric Madness!

by Ron Shevlin Oh, those social media fanatics are good! They’ll twist any number they can get their hands on to make social media look good, won’t they? According to a  Social Media [...]

Is the Wave of Liquidity a Tsunami on the Horizon?

Ebb and flow, crest and trough, ups and down, cyclical; these are all phrases that come to mind when we look at the state of the auto finance world. Nowadays we see many articles that [...]

Are Supervisory Committees Up to the Job?

by Henry Meier Recently, the CEO of the now defunct Women’s Southwest FCU pleaded guilty to embezzling $3.4 million from the credit union over an 11 year period.  This is quite the trick [...]

Omnichannel Is The Next Challenge For FIs

Omnichannel Is The Next Challenge For FIs

by: Mary Monahan Customers desire the flexibility to select the easiest and most convenient channel in which to conduct their business. For instance, I may want start to filling out a loan application at home [...]

Leaders Reproduce

Leaders Reproduce

by Matt Monge Something that’s always been interesting to me is how leaders–ones we might consider good or even great ones–seem to produce other leaders. Duke’s Coach K might be at [...]

Retail Banking Predictions & Trends For 2013

Retail Banking Predictions & Trends For 2013

While The Financial Brand refrains from publishing any kind of annual forecast of trends in retail banking, there’s no shortage of experts weighing in with their predictions and resolutions for next year. What are [...]

Treat Your Best Like the Best

Treat Your Best Like the Best

by Mark Arnold Some of your employees are the best. Some are not. But do you treat them all the same? You should actually treat your best employees like the best. Pamper them a bit. [...]