News Archives

50 Million Shades of Mandate Relief

by Henry Meier A lot of public officials talk about the need for relieving smaller financial institutions from regulatory burdens but few of them actually do anything about it.  Yesterday, the CFPB coupled its announcement [...]

Direct Marketing Tactics for FIs in the Digital Age

by Georgann Smith With the rapid rise of social media, many financial institution (FI) marketers are left wondering if there is still a place for more traditional marketing efforts, like direct marketing. According Dave Braun, [...]

Servant Leaders: Valuing People

By Matt Monge Like many of you, I’ve had the “pleasure” of working for a boss or executive who seemed to enjoy reminding me how “in charge” they were. Like many of you, I [...]

Bank Vs. Credit Union Realities

By Ron Shevlin Last July, I published (Motley) Fools Shouldn’t Write About Big Data in which I took Motley Fool to task for publishing something that I concluded was ”an embarrassment to high quality [...]

Assuring Consumers Have Access To Mortgages They Can Trust

BY RICHARD CORDRAY Today, we’re issuing one of our most important rules to date, the Ability-to-Repay rule. It’s designed to assure the reliability of mortgages – making sure that lenders offer mortgages that consumers [...]

Choosing the Right Chair

By Peter Stephenson, Ph.D. Just as it’s hard to imagine a successful organization not having a great CEO, it’s equally hard to imagine a top performing board of directors that doesn’t [...]

Taking a Fresh Look at Leadership This Year

by Mark Arnold Famous businessman Jack Welch once said “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” When you think about [...]

Internet Banking to Mobile Banking … and Somewhere in Between

by Danny Payne, I am extremely fortunate because I get the opportunity to work with many successful financial technology companies that provide core, Internet, and mobile banking solutions and resources to companies [...]

D-Day for Mortgage Lending

by Henry Meier Today’s the day that the CFPB rolls out its qualified mortgage regulations as mandated by Dodd-Frank and, although I haven’t yet seen a copy of the regulations and the devil [...]

Top Components to Look for in Online Banking Hosting

by Kirk Drake If you think your existing online banking provider and solution are doing a great job-  than this post is not for you.  If however, you are looking for something more from your [...]