News Archives

People of Modest Means and Lots and Lots of Debt

by Henry Meier No one should be surprised that younger people take on more credit card debt than older people, but a new research paper is getting a lot of attention this morning because of [...]

5 Ways to Engage Staff in your Contingency Plan

by Robin Remines Let’s be honest, many of your employees probably think Contingency Planning is for the geek squad in IT. Power goes out – call IT. Storm approaching? Call IT. And while IT serves [...]

Your Team Needs You

Your Team Needs You

by Matt Monge Very few people, if they’re honest, enjoy going to work every day in an environment filled with distrust, political maneuvering, and so many of the other ugly things that characterize too [...]

This Might Not Work: The Fear of Failure

by Bo McDonald We’ve lined up some pretty exciting projects for the credit unions we work with in 2013. During the fall my team at YMC has labored endlessly on plans for the New [...]

NCUA Sets Low Bar for Fair Lending Exams

by Keith Leggett The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) appears to set the bar pretty low when it comes to examining credit unions for fair lending compliance. According to NCUA's 2013 Annual Performance Plan, the [...]

Building a Global Community

We build a community of credit union and financial cooperative systems around the world. We operate locally but our markets have globalized.  Market forces today are increasingly driven by global events.  We face the same [...]

Automate Your Way to Debt Freedom

Automate Your Way to Debt Freedom

BY DEBBIE DRAGON Total U.S. consumer debt reached a record $2.75 trillion in 2012, according to the Federal Reserve. Since your motivational level is high with the new year, why not take the [...]

5 Things To Do Every Decade For Financial Success

5 Things To Do Every Decade For Financial Success

by LearnVest For many of us, January is littered with a motley assortment of resolutions. Instead of willing yourself to give up chocolate, while saving an extra $500 a month and finally learning Chinese, try [...]