News Archives

Growth of Credit Union ATM and Shared Branch Networks

by Ken Tumin One way credit unions can compete with the large banks is by belonging to ATM networks and the shared branch network. ATM networks can give credit union members access to surcharge-free ATMs [...]

Tell-A-Friend Program Scores Big Results

By Joe Swatek If your bank or credit union isn’t using a Tell-A-Friend (TAF) program, this story could change your mind. A community bank went through ACTON Marketing’s training program for the financial [...]

8 Online Marketing Trends For 2013

From multi-screen engagement to Big Data, from mobile advertising to social search, Callahan's social media team rounds up 8 trends credit unions should keep an eye on in 2013. BY ELIZABETH MORASH This month, the [...]

Habitats for Humans

Habitats for Humans

By Matt Monge It’s critical that we see organizations as habitats for human beings. It was while reading Parker Palmer’s The Courage to Teach that I stumbled across the preceding statement. That idea, [...]

Don’t Ask Why, Ask How

By Victor Gaxiola The conversation of social media adoption in financial services is starting to change and inquiries of usage are shifting from why to how? It’s a trend that is likely to continue [...]

Strategies for SEG-Based Credit Unions

Strategies for SEG-Based Credit Unions

Like most entities found in nature and mankind, the credit union industry experiences lifecycles. These include times of change, growth and contraction. One of the more profound lifecycles to impact the credit union industry in [...]

Credit Unions and Creative Types: A Perfect Match?

By Theresa Witham Several weeks ago, a Facebook friend posted a link to an educational seminar for Baltimore’s creative business owners called “Mind Your Business.” I clicked the link hoping to see that a [...]

A Billion Mobile Bankers?

By Ron Shevlin Someone recently forecast that, by 2017, there will be one billion mobile banking consumers across the globe. Having forecast mobile banking consumers myself (just US, not globally), I’m interested in these [...]

How to Implement Effective Member Business Lending

by Loren Houchen Member business lending (MBL) for credit unions, to be done safely and soundly, first of all necessitates that it be part of a solid overall ALM (assets/liabilities management) policy and strategy. [...]