News Archives

Consumer Hypocrisy Clouds Retail Branch Strategies

How many consumers insist on opening new accounts in branches? And yet how many never step foot in a branch again after opening their account? The numbers will surprise you. Novarica, in tandem with FindABetterBank.[...]

Not All Data Is Big

Not All Data Is Big

Seemingly everyone is talking about Big Data these days. You can hardly pick up a trade publication or read a marketing blog without some expert or supplier telling you that your future and survival lies [...]

2013 Flu Season – Credit Union Pandemic Planning

by Robin Remines Protect your credit union now – worse flu season in a decade can halt your operations! The 2012-2013 Seasonal Flu season is making itself well known across the United States. It technically isn’[...]

What New Technology Credit Unions Covet for 2013

By W.B. King For at least one credit union, Christmas came early last year when Liberty Savings Federal Credit Union in New York City won the $100,000 Extreme Technology Makeover sponsored by Credit [...]

From Passbook to Mobile: The Evolution Of The Bank Account

From Passbook to Mobile: The Evolution Of The Bank Account

BY JIM MAROUS "Some might argue that nothing replaces a face-to-face relationship. That assumes that a digital, mobile experience is inferior to face-to-face. And while that may have been true in the past, that's not [...]

Credit Union Business Lending Update

By Cheryl D. Cook If capital is the fuel that drives business development, then it should stand to reason that the more business lenders in the market, the better.  According to the United States Small [...]

Prepaid Debit: The New Checking Account?

Prepaid Debit: The New Checking Account?

by Marcus Rothaar One of the more noteworthy developments in 2012 was the evolution of prepaid debit cards. Previously best known for their affiliation with b-list celebrities, prepaid debit cards attempted to become a little [...]

What Makes A Good Consultant

What Makes A Good Consultant

By Mark Arnold For years I made fun of people who consulted with credit unions and banks. And then I became one (as part of what we do at On The Mark Strategies). As Robert [...]

What is Offsite Backup?

Offsite backup is a key part of any disaster recovery solution. DR is what we do; we have numerous methods of providing secure data backup at a site geographically separate from our clients’ primary business [...]

Seven Things You Should Stop Doing to your Boss

Seven Things You Should Stop Doing to your Boss

by Anthony Demangone We all have bosses.  I have one.  Even if you're a CEO, you have a boss.  More likely, bosses.  I've written before how great managers see themselves as servants. They look for [...]

Six Wrist Plays for New CEOs

Six Wrist Plays for New CEOs

By Charles E. Fagan, III, CUES Here I am, the brand-new CEO of a credit union association that will be serving a large number of new credit union CEOs in the next few years. CEO [...]

Twitter’s Dirty Little Secret

Twitter’s Dirty Little Secret

By Michael Ogden, CUNA Mutual Group I’m terrible at keeping secrets and I’m an awful liar. For instance, I believe I’m a better cook than my mother. I love you mom, but [...]