News Archives

Tattoos in the Workplace: Still Taboo?

By Credit Union Association of New York Tattoos were once regarded as the mark of a rebel, a delinquent or a criminal. They weren’t seen as professional.   Now, however, it seems they’re [...]

10 Signs You Might Be an Arrogant Leader

10 Signs You Might Be an Arrogant Leader

By Matt Monge All of us are arrogant to some degree sometimes. I know I am. Some of us are better at fighting it than others. Some of us are better at hiding it. Some [...]

15 Points About the Underbanked

By Melanie Friedrichs Originally published on Follow us on twitter @AnderaInc What: Definitions The term underbanked has become a bit of a buzz word in the past few months, so it’s [...]

Are Hidden Bank Fees Ripping You Off?

By Dedrick Muhammad, Senior Director of Economic Programs, NAACP A lack of transparency and disclosure around bank fees has created prohibitive barriers that keep many people from fully taking advantage of banks. As Wharton management [...]

Location, Location, Location–The Myth of Virtual Banking

Location, Location, Location–The Myth of Virtual Banking

By Tom Everyone seems to be talking about virtual and mobile banking. More banks and credit unions are looking to attract customers with virtual services that remove the need to ever visit a branch. At [...]

Nostalgic Gen Y Marketing Already?

Nostalgic Gen Y Marketing Already?

  by Tim McAlpine This is a fun new video produced by Microsoft to promote Internet Explorer 10. Once the king of the browsers, in snobby tech circles, IE is now considered a tired old [...]

Prepaid Cards Become More Mainstream

Prepaid Cards Become More Mainstream

by Konrad Christensen Many financial institutions (FIs) looking to attract business from underserved or underbanked customers rightly turn to prepaid cards to achieve their objectives. Yet, what many of these FIs are finding along the [...]

Doing a Disservice to the Housing Industry

By Henry Meier The CFPB has unleashed its first wave of Dodd-Frank inspired mortgage reform and it’s time to climb out of the bunker and survey the damage.  The truth is it could have [...]