News Archives

The Role of EMV in Our Payments Future

The Role of EMV in Our Payments Future

By. Tom Gandre, PCSU EMV (Europay, MasterCard, VISA), the world’s standard for inter-operation of “smart cards” or "chip cards,” occupies a powerful position in the future state of the payments ecosystem. The technology represents [...]

NCUA Shows Its Hand

by Anthony Demangone NCUA recently issued a letter to credit unions that highlights its regulatory focus for 2013. Where will NCUA focus? Operational risk, specifically looking at technology and internal controls. Balance sheet management, zeroing [...]

6 Tips for Slower Hiring

6 Tips for Slower Hiring

By Matt Monge It’s a tough spot for a recruiter or hiring manager. On one hand you really need to fill that position. Work is piling up, your team is falling further and further [...]

The Credit Supernova

by Jon Jeffreys The current debt in the U.S. causes many investors to take on more risk; is it worth it? In a February research note put out by Bill Gross at PIMCO, he [...]

ABA: It’s Time to End $2 Billion Annual CU Tax Subsidy

By Keith Leggett Now is the time to eliminate the $2 billion annual credit-union tax subsidy, ABA said yesterday in a question-and-answer-formatted email message to all House and Senate members. ABA questioned why tax-paying households [...]

Refine Financial Forecasting Practices

While the process of forecasting may be equal parts art and science, highly evolved enterprises use a solid, collaborative process based on timely, aggregated data for generating accurate business forecasts. Three standard aspects come into [...]

Tips for a Creating a Compelling Mission Statement

By Lisa Hochgraf You can’t always be the best, so be really great at being you, Michael Neill, CSE, told attendees of CUES Symposium: A CEO/Chairman Exchange. To do this, credit unions need [...]

The Blurring of Big vs. Local

By Jim Perry When working with community banks and credit unions across the country we often hear the belief expressed that large banks are somehow less of a competitive threat because they are not perceived [...]

The Worth of a Value Proposition

By Mark Arnold If you had just ten words to describe why people should do business with your financial institution, what would they be? Do these words differentiate your financial institution from all others? If [...]

5 Features Credit Unions Want from Data Visualization

by Kevin Garabedian, Senior Director for Small and Midsize Business at SAS Institute, Inc. Data underpins the operations and strategic decisions of every business. Yet these days, data is generated faster than it can be [...]

Credit Union Branding, CrossFit Style

By Mark Dudley Greg Glassman founded CrossFit in 2000. He’s since opened up over 5,000 affiliate gyms. CrossFit describes its strength and conditioning program as “constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement.” The program’[...]