News Archives

Will The Power of Mobile Make Bank Branches Disappear?

Will The Power of Mobile Make Bank Branches Disappear?

By. Jim Marous The high rate of mobile banking penetration at Chase Bank, Bank of America and recently introduced direct banks such as Simple, GoBank, Bluebird and Moven could provide a significant business advantage as [...]

What Has Your Bank Done for You Lately?

by Gina Ragusa Michigan Credit Union League & Affiliates’ “Invest in America” supports community businesses with exclusive member discounts through credit unions nationwide. When was the last time your big bank gave you special discounts [...]

Next Generation of International Credit Union Leadership in Action

Next Generation of International Credit Union Leadership in Action

By. Rodney Wilson Last month 10 young credit union professionals and I were dispatched from various parts of the United States to the Dominican Republic to participate in the International Credit Union Leadership Program. This [...]

7 Basic Tips for a Classy Career

7 Basic Tips for a Classy Career

By Hon. Daniel A. Mica, Principal, The DMA Group As a former CEO, I have often been asked to relay career advice to those up and coming in the workplace. Hopefully, a few basics suggestions [...]

Social Media Is a Threat – Is Your Credit Union Safe?

By Chelsea Back in college, Facebook was so much more than a social networking site—it was the center of social life. So, imagine my horror when I woke up one morning to find out [...]

3 Tips for Better Checking Account Marketing

By Joe Swatek The fundamental banking account for consumers is the checking account. When you ask an individual where he or she banks, the name of the bank or credit union you hear is the [...]

Why CU Social Good overflows With Credit Union Kindness

Why CU Social Good overflows With Credit Union Kindness

  Looking for all the good that credit unions do nationwide? Well, now you don't have to look beyond your browser. Just type in and you can see all the benevolent, charitable, [...]

Changing Your Brand: More Than Changing A Logo

Changing Your Brand: More Than Changing A Logo

By Mark Arnold I’m writing this post as I travel on an American Airlines flight. Even though they are in the middle of bankruptcy and a possible merger, American just made a big announcement [...]

8 Suggestions for Fast Recruiting

8 Suggestions for Fast Recruiting

By Matt Monge My thought is that leaders and hiring managers need to hire slowly, taking their time to ensure they’re selecting team members that are not a match from a technical perspective, but [...]

What Makes or Breaks the Member Experience

Front-line staff have a direct impact on member satisfaction. Recent studies define what consumers find most valuable and important in their service interactions. With this research, managers can determine where staff succeed—and where they [...]

Top Reasons Credit Unions Failover to a Hotsite

By Kirk Drake Top Reasons CU’s Failover to their Hotsites If you are responsible for your organizations credit union Business Continuity Plan or maybe you are in the credit union technology department – this post [...]