News Archives

Raising a Strong Credit Culture

By. Ancin Cooley A few weeks ago, my son got his first tricycle. After pedaling along the sidewalk, we stopped to learn about how to cross the street. He is two years old and not [...]

Leaders: The Customer Isn’t Always Right

By. Matt Monge Buck up and stand up for your teammates. That was the gist of one of the points in this post and a couple comments below it. As leaders, we can’t be [...]

Why Expense-Tracking Often Ends in Failure

Why Expense-Tracking Often Ends in Failure

BY SIMON ZHEN When it comes to financial duties such as making Roth IRA contributions or transferring money into a savings account, I gladly carry them out with Nike’s “Just Do It” slogan in [...]

3 Reasons Why Credit Unions Should Fear Sequester

By Henry Meier With Congress in recess this week and both sides showing an unwillingness to compromise, it appears increasingly likely that March 1 will arrive without Congress averting a projected $85 billion in automatic [...]

The Glorification of Busy

By Mark Dudley “Busy” has become our best excuse. We all have a lot going on. Between work, family, social life, and everything else, the hours in the day just fly by. I Googled the [...]

A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

By. Dan Green, EVP, Marketing, Mortgage Cadence The housing market is in recovery; most economists and many of us involved in the industry agree. Low rates are, perhaps, the biggest contributing factor. And they are [...]

20 Things Leaders Should Say More

By. Matt Monge It’s not always some big, flowery, masterfully delivered declaration that teams need to hear from their leaders. Often it’s the little things–small phrases or statements that can change the [...]

Seeing Your Brand in 3D

Seeing Your Brand in 3D

By Mark Arnold There are lots of ways we look at our brands. We look at our brands in the mirror. We look at our brands from the outside. We look at our brands from [...]

Goal for 2013: Increase Credit Union Mortgage Volumes

By Mike Corn Good news arrived in a recent article in the Credit Union Timesin which statistics from Callahan & Associates show that the credit union industry achieved its strongest loan performance ever in 2012. [...]

Top Savings Tips for Every Life Stage

by John The last week in February will mark the 7th annual America Saves Week, a cooperative effort among financial institutions, non-profits, bloggers and other groups to inform Americans about their personal finances and help [...]

Credit Cards: The New Sweatpants With Elastic Bottoms

By Ron Shevlin I have six pairs of sweatpants in my closet. Five of them have elastic at the bottom of the legs. I’m not allowed to wear any of those five pairs. My [...]