News Archives

It’s Your Service – Own It!

By Mark Dudley This Valentine’s Day was supposed to be the best ever. In the past, I was one of the guys who didn’t really try to over hype the holiday. I would [...]

Telling the Credit Union Story So the Media Pays Attention

Telling the Credit Union Story So the Media Pays Attention

By Tim McAlpine I attended a fantastic breakout session with Elisabeth Leamy today. Elisabeth is a best-selling author and a 14-time-Emmy-Award-winning consumer correspondent with ABC's Good Morning America. Her passion and specialty is helping consumers [...]

5 Steps Towards More Transparent Talent Planning

By Audra August It’s treated like a covert operation, flawlessly planned and executed – as if it never really happened. Confidential folders holding its contents are protected under lock and key. Faint whispers are overheard [...]

Voice of Customer- Turn on the Light for Results!

Located in Brunswick Georgia, just south of Savannah, Marshland Community Federal Credit Union serves members in education and government related businesses throughout Glynn, McIntosh and Brantley Counties. Marshland recently used Statement2web from OMI, for a [...]

Onsite: Tuesday at GAC

Onsite: Tuesday at GAC

Tuesday at GAC is in full swing. The morning will be filled with a who's who of our nations politics followed by and afternoon of breakout sessions. The breakouts will focus on everything from hot [...]

3 Lessons From the Vatican: Know When to Hang Up the Mitre

By Walt Laskos This week, the world will witness an event that has not occurred since the year 1415—a Pope stepping down from the Papacy. Although we all watched his predecessor grow more frail [...]

Great Strategy and Great Wine

Great Strategy and Great Wine

By. David Frankil, NAFCU Services Corporation No, this is not a post about how strategic discussions can be improved with fine wine, although that is probably true, and it would be fun to test the [...]

Five Powerful Questions for your Board

Written by Anthony Demangone A recent survey ( of corporate directors found that the "average" director knows far more about their company's finances than they do about risks facing the corporation or the dynamics [...]

The Mother of All Tax Subsidies

By Henry Meier It’s time for CUNA’s Annual GAC in Washington so it’s not surprising that the Bankers’ Association has begun its annual blitz of DC-centered advertising expressing outrage at the credit [...]

7 MORE Traits of Potential Leaders (Part 2)

By Matt Monge Like we talked about yesterday, this list of traits isn’t meant to be an exhaustive one. It’s not meant to imply that all leaders will have every one of these. [...]

Onsite: Monday at GAC

Onsite: Monday at GAC

The credit union world rolled into Washington, DC Sunday for the 2013 CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC). Sunday's activities included a first-time attendee orientation and small credit union round table followed by the exhibit hall [...]