News Archives

Where Do You Want That Commercial?

In late January, YouTube reached 4 billion views per day. That's pretty close to a view per person in the entire world's population (and history tells us that number will only continue to grow). It [...]

Reasons to Be Cautious on Student Lending

By Pat Bator This whacked-out, oft-censored, and certain-Canadian-export-loving senior research analyst constantly heard from his parents in his formative years that having a higher education would translate into success later in life. The message was [...]

8 Points on People’s Potential

8 Points on People’s Potential

By. Matt Monge People power organizations. Not products. People. Prudence tell us that if we peer under what appears to be the perfect veneer of most professionals, there are a plethora of properties particular to [...]

Does Your Strategic Plan Chase Squirrels?

Does Your Strategic Plan Chase Squirrels?

By. Mark Arnold My 79-year-old mother recently had squirrel issues at her house. But not just AT her house—actually IN her house. She got home one day and noticed there was a hole on [...]

Killed With A Fork

Killed With A Fork

By William Azaroff Until several months ago, I was in charge of digital at Vancity, and I saw innovation linked inextricably to technology. I shared the concerns of many in financial services who looked at [...]

Assumptions that Are Traps for Managers

By Lana J. Chandler “If a manager assumes that someone is ‘just lazy,’ for example, then everything that employee does is labeled as that,” points out Bobbi Kahler, president of Kahler Leadership Group (Evergreen, Colorado). “[...]

Yahoo and Teleworking; Let me make you an offer

Written by Anthony Demangone You may have read about Marissa Mayer's decision to end Yahoo's teleworking program. ( What?  The move seems very un-Yahoo.  Very un-tech. Very un-trendy.  That might not be a word. [...]

Ten Questions For Elizabeth Warren

by Phil Hall Since returning to Washington in January as the junior senator fromMassachusetts, Elizabeth Warren has resumed her campaign of makinghigh-profile comments that resonate with provocative verbiage. Whether dismissingthe sequestration cuts as "just plain [...]

10 Easy Steps To The Best Car Deal

10 Easy Steps To The Best Car Deal

Driving off a dealer's lot in a shiny new car can be exhilarating, but the hours you might spend haggling to get to that point can be about as pleasant as a tax audit. Buyers [...]

Consumers Don’t Really Want Portable Checking Account Numbers

By. Ron Shevlin According to a study conducted by BT and YouGov, 61% of US banking customers want portable banking account numbers. As reported by The Financial Brand: “The research, which surveyed more than 6,[...]

Don’t ‘Dumb Down’ Employee Performance

By Michael Neill, CSE In my session on missional leadership at CUES Symposium: A CEO/Chairman Exchange, I presented the concept of “effort equity” that I developed several years ago. This concept begins to explain [...]