News Archives

Nearly Complete Coverage of the 2013 GAC

Nearly Complete Coverage of the 2013 GAC

  Long flights, TSA shakedowns, lost luggage, cranky cabbies, odd hotel room decor (mine looked like leftover furniture from The Brady Bunch set), and frigid temps -- especially for us folks from SoCal -- made [...]

Why I Won’t Be Signing Chip’s Petition

By Henry Meier Chip Filson, the head of Callahan and Associates, is making a lot of noise lately.  Not only is he suggesting that NCUA misused money generated when it wound down U.S. Central [...]

Recognizing Elder Financial Abuse

  BY SKIP HUMPHREY  This post is part of a series for National Consumer Protection Week National Consumer Protection Week is an opportunity to talk about a particularly troubling and challenging consumer protection issue – [...]

FTC Tackles Three Key Mobile Payment Problems

by: Mary Monahan Mobile technologies are being adopted rapidly as smartphones crossed the 50% barrier and consumers purchased $20.7 billion through mobile in the U.S. in 2012. But as the pace of mobile [...]

Who Gives a Harlem Shake About Culture?

Who Gives a Harlem Shake About Culture?

By. Matt Monge #HarlemShake That’s hashtag Harlem Shake for those of you who haven’t yet had the life sucked out of you by the infinite black vortex that is Twitter yet. Why does [...]

Harnessing the Power of Incremental

Harnessing the Power of Incremental

By. Frank Kovach, Advisors Plus With today’s intense focus on the bottom-line, many credit card managers will sweat every small expense but only key in on the “home run” projects when it comes to [...]

Avoid Solutions Looking for Problems

BY SARAH SNELL COOKE During the Governmental Affairs Conference, Chip Filson announced his intention to seek an NCUA Board seat, which was the culmination of speeches and online postings criticizing the NCUA’s activities throughout [...]

It Starts With Checking….

Many credit unions are hoping that their members will use more of their products and services.  Quite a few have implemented cross-selling programs, offered discounted loan rates, and have tried other methods to help increase [...]

Stop The Underbanked Confusion!

An American Banker article titled Reaching the Underbanked? Try Offering Control makes the following claims: “The 37 million American adults who are underbanked have a tough time when it comes to basic financial activities such [...]

Are You an Order Taker or an Educator?

Are You an Order Taker or an Educator?

  By. Mark Arnold Do your employees take orders or do they educate consumers? What is your employees’ perception to this question? No matter what products or services our organization provides, we want our employees [...]

Workplace Professionalism vs Apparel Anarchy

Workplace Professionalism vs Apparel Anarchy

By. Matt Monge Does wearing a tie, in and of itself, make someone more professional? If I weren’t such a nerd about workplace stuff, I’d be wondering where the heck this idea came [...]

Superheroes of Credit Union Marketing

By Tansley Stearns It’s a bird, it’s a plane…no, it’s a credit union marketing professional! They may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but the breadth [...]

What Should A Credit Union Look For In An SLA?

by Bud Hobeck Credit Union Provider SLA – Service Level Agreements If you are looking for any managed services for your credit union a Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an integral item that you need to [...]