News Archives

Creating a Well-Tuned Credit Union Board

Creating a Well-Tuned Credit Union Board

By Karen Hodgkiss and Laura Lynch Ideally, credit union boards reflect the diversity of the membership and the community served by the organization. Having different strengths, experiences and voices at the table should pay off [...]

The Traditional Branch Is Under Attack. How Do You Respond?

Originally posted on NCR Corporation’s blog Guest Post By Josh Linder, Director, NCR Business Consulting Popular press has argued that the branch is obsolete and that consumers are shunning the branch. Traditional financial products [...]

Powerful Cause – Positive Impact: GAC Takeaways

Powerful Cause – Positive Impact: GAC Takeaways

By. Ryan Donovan On more than one occasion since the end of this year’s Governmental Affairs Conference, I’ve been asked what my takeaways are.  To be honest, it’s difficult to have perspective [...]

How Many Backups Do I Need? [A World Backup Day Post]

By. Jimmy Marks I’ve been on the lookout for good articles to share for the World Backup Day on March 31. I’ve been trying out the tips and tricks offered by these articles [...]

More Evidence Community FI Credit Cards are Just Better

More Evidence Community FI Credit Cards are Just Better

By. Brian Scott Not surprisingly, a recent credit card revenue report shows non-credit union credit card issuers of prime and super prime cards made more money from fees than from interest in both 2011 and [...]

5 Pieces of Passive Organizational Culture

5 Pieces of Passive Organizational Culture

By Matt Monge The primary purpose of employees in a passive culture is to please the people to whom they report so as to protect their position from any potential peril. (sorry–did it again, [...]

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

By. Michael Fryzel, NCUA When I began my position as Chairman of the NCUA Board more than four-and-a-half years ago, I was confronted with a dire situation involving corporate credit unions that threatened the continued [...]

Individually Focused IRA Marketing

Individually Focused IRA Marketing

By Dennis Zuehlke, Compliance Manager, Ascensus The April 15 tax filing and IRA contribution deadline is only one month away. Much of the marketing focus this year is on the higher IRA contribution limits. For [...]

Surprise Me!

By Mark Dudley In this day and age expectations (or you can call it entitlements) are high. Whether shopping for groceries or a house, consumers have great expectations.  They demand to be treated with a [...]

Another Tax Break for the Wealthy!

By Walt Laskos Something is wrong, absolutely seriously wrong in our beloved United States—and I do mean, SERIOUSLY WRONG! Just a few minutes ago on the radio, I heard the news that Republicans in [...]

3 Mortgage Lending Questions You Should Ask Yourself

By Henry Meier oday, the Senate Banking Committee will be considering the nomination of Acting CFPB Director Richard Cordray to be the director of the CFPB.  While there’s much to be said about the [...]

How Much Marketing Crap Is In Your Branches?

How Much Marketing Crap Is In Your Branches?

By. Mark Arnold Credit union and bank marketers have a lot of good material. That’s the problem: it’s too much. Over time those good individual pieces pile up, pile up and pile up. [...]