News Archives

NCUA: Will They? or Won’t They?

NCUA: Will They? or Won’t They?

By. Hon. Daniel A. Mica, Principal, The DMA Group A question of, “Will they? or Won’t they?” arises after the National Credit Union Administration Chairman Debbie Matz announced plans for a “new” NCUA at [...]

Trigger Marketing: Timing is Everything!

Trigger Marketing: Timing is Everything!

By. Jay Kassing, President, Marquis A trigger is a device that automatically executes a response to a certain event.  In marketing, triggers are used to automatically deliver a targeted message that is highly relevant and [...]

Shifting Social Media from “If” to “How”

Guest post written by Steve Richman, sales trainer and national spokesperson for Genworth Mortgage Insurance. Social media has been embraced by consumers — your members and potential members. Your employees are engaged in social media activities, [...]

Cloud Centric, Customer Focused, Enagagement Platforms

Corporate Communications have been ignored and pushed to the back office for far too long. As a result, brand managers and corporate marketing executives often struggle to provide a consistent brand experience across all outbound [...]

2013 Shaping Up as Busy Year in Mortgage Sector

By John McKechnie As the mortgage market meltdown continues to fade into the rear view mirror and is gradually replaced by a “new normal” of flat prices and anemic interest rates, Washington is coming to [...]

6 Things Great Teammates Say

6 Things Great Teammates Say

By. Matt Monge Human and team dynamics are complex, but not necessarily all that complicated sometimes. Building a positive team and organizational environment isn’t like decoding the Rosetta Stone. Much of it boils down [...]

Modern Leadership Lessons from Hannibal

Modern Leadership Lessons from Hannibal

By. Taylor Wells  Let me start by saying clearly, no, I am not talking about Hannibal Lecter, creepy cannibal villain from Silence of the Lambs. I’m talking about history’s greatest Hannibal, the Carthaginian [...]

Fast Facts: Dodd-Frank Cumulative Weight

The Financial Services Roundtable recently released another iteration of its Fast Facts, reliable, bullet-point research about issues facing the financial services industry. Topics span TARP, Dodd-Frank, insurance, lending, retirement savings and more.  Below are some [...]

By the Time It’s a Regulation, It’s Too Late

by Katie Marisic, NAFCU’s Director of Political Affairs Dodd-Frank, which created the CFPB, was passed without much deliberation (and without NAFCU’s support) and is responsible for many of the issues credit unions are [...]

7 Simple Social Media Fixes For Credit Union Marketers

7 Simple Social Media Fixes For Credit Union Marketers

The Financial Brand recently completed an audit of the social media activities from 600 different banks and credit unions. What we found was shocking: busted links, links to abandoned accounts, incomplete and empty profile information — [...]

From Over-Managing to Coaching

By Michael Neill, CSE This is our next-to-last "Missional Monday." Today I want to follow up on our CUES Symposium: A CEO/Chairman Exchange session on missional leadership by initiating an exchange with you about [...]