News Archives

Employees Can’t “Just Get Over It”

Employees Can’t “Just Get Over It”

By Matt Monge Being a human, or a human being, is a tough gig. One of the more difficult parts of being human also happens to be a thing we frequently experience in one way [...]

Think Big With Your Brand

Think Big With Your Brand

By Mark Arnold Every financial institution wants a strong brand. Duh. But how do you get there? According to Randy Schultz, brand evangelist and buzz initiator with Weber Marketing, you must think big with your [...]

Walt Disney’s Program Won’t Save You

Walt Disney’s Program Won’t Save You

By Steve Topper I’m usually amused by media articles suggesting that the solution to a company’s problem is to hire a consultant to make things better. Our country is being overrun with a [...]

What to Expect When Deposit Rates Start Rising

By Tom Here is the latest analysis from Market Rates Insight’s Executive Vice President Dan Geller published in BAI. According to our historical analysis of rising interest rates, it will take about 11 months [...]

Shift Happens. What’s Next?

Shift Happens. What’s Next?

The following thoughts come from my observations and conversations about social media during GAC By Michael Ogden, Media Relations Manager for New Media, CUNA Mutual Group According to my notes, I had roughly 80 different [...]

Who are your centers of influence?

Who are your centers of influence?

by. Bryan Clagett, Chief Marketing Officer, Geezeo The people at Geezeo have heard me preach on the virtues of identifying Centers of Influence since 2009. What’s a Center of Influence you ask?  Centers of [...]

5 Characteristics of a Cutthroat Culture

5 Characteristics of a Cutthroat Culture

By Matt Monge “He exemplifies everything our culture is about. He models our core values; heck, he literally wrote the book on ‘em. This won’t come as a surprise to any of you, so [...]

Senate Takes Shots At Big Banks In Budget Amendments

The nation's biggest and most powerful financial institutions took a few hits during the marathon Senate budget debate. By Peter Schroeder Among the hundreds of amendments introduced during the debate that stretched into the early [...]

Top 10 Cities for Consumer Banking

Easy access to stable banking options with consumer-friendly products and services is one of the most critical elements of maintaining financial security for households and communities as a whole. However, such qualities vary drastically across [...]

Credit Union Cloud Cores

by. Kirk Drake If you have been reading our prior posts on Credit Union Cloud – we have been covering a variety of educational topics regarding the infrastructure and impact of cloud computing on credit unions.  [...]

Credit Union Missional Leadership: Healthy Introspection

by. Michael Neill This is our last "missional Monday." I have enjoyed the opportunity to expand on this topic that I first introduced at CUES Symposium: A CEO/Chairman Exchange in February. I hope you [...]

5 Takeaways from Regulatory Compliance School

by Steve Van Beek, Last week was NAFCU's 2013 Regulatory Compliance School, and we had an outstanding class. Great questions, great speakers and great networking opportunities. Here are five takeaways from School: The role of [...]

Are You My Prototype?

Are You My Prototype?

By Michael Downs, Momentum Credit unions of all sizes are taking a hard look at their retail branch networks and trying to make decisions on how branches can be better leveraged as a delivery channel.  [...]