News Archives

Bad News about This Credit Union Ad

Bad News about This Credit Union Ad

by Steve Topper Occasionally the creative team gets it wrong or misses a golden opportunity.  This is one of those instances. Last Sunday I came across a familiar credit union ad in the local newspaper.  [...]

Targeting The LGBT Community In The Financial Service Sector

As societal attitudes towards the LGBT community have changed, so too have financial marketers approach to this lucrative target market. Sometime in the mid 90s, retail banks and credit unions started to look at the [...]

Board Compensation: It’s Time

Board Compensation: It’s Time

By Anthony E. Steigelman The recent "Chairman's Corner" article by Debbie Matz in February's installment of The NCUA Report was very enlightening. According to Matz's article, volunteer directors are integral to the proper functioning, direction [...]

Prepaid Cards Increasingly Popular

Prepaid Cards Increasingly Popular

by Konrad Christensen New findings in the Javelin Strategy and Research report,Prepaid Cards and Products in 2012: Enabling Financial Access for Underbanked and Gen Y Consumers, reveal prepaid card use was up almost 18 [...]

Marketers Slam Proposed Social Media Regulations

The FFIEC wanted to know what financial marketers thought of the sweeping new social media regulations they proposed back in January, so they asked the industry for feedback. The public commenting period just came to [...]

A Lesson in Credit Union Messaging: Steve Jobs

By Bo McDonald The late Steve Jobs has left behind so many lessons about business.  I could write post after post, my thoughts about what credit unions can learn from his business sense and leadership [...]