News Archives

Credit Unions Can’t Afford to Hold off on Mobile Banking

by. Aaron Passman If your credit union is still taking a wait-and-see approach to mobile banking, you are in danger of missing the boat if you don't act quickly. "The boat is getting pretty dang [...]

Can (Blank) Replace Big Banks?

Can (Blank) Replace Big Banks?

By Melanie Friedrichs Last week Mashable published an article by Douglas Rushkoff called  “Can the internet Replace Big Banks?” Although a small community of enthusiasts often writes about the intersection of finance and technology on [...]

A Letter to Me

A Letter to Me

by Andy Janning 22 years ago, I stepped into the world of financial services for the first time.  If I could write a letter of guidance and encouragement to that very green and cocky 17-year-old, [...]

The Credit Union and Bank Social Media Power 100 Rankings

The Credit Union and Bank Social Media Power 100 Rankings

The Financial Brand has ranked the social media activity for the top 100 banks and credit unions around the world. The Power 100 is an interactive list of retail banks and credit unions who have [...]

Getting to WOW

Getting to WOW

Successful credit unions make it their mission every day to deliver WOW member service, and there’s no better feeling than those occasions when your contact center staff knows it has succeeded brilliantly. Frank Kovach, [...]

Which Credit Union Rock Stars Inspire You?

Which Credit Union Rock Stars Inspire You?

By Lisa Hochgraf One of the great stories I can tell from my CUES travel is that, back in 2010, I walked the "sixth" member of Aerosmith to Starbucks in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia. (I [...]

3 Reasons I Hate the Word “Just”

3 Reasons I Hate the Word “Just”

by Matt Monge I’m just a bank teller. I’m just a customer service rep. I’m just a trainer. I’m just a new hire. I’m just a receptionist. I’m just [...]

Cash, We Don’t Need Any Stinking Cash

By Henry Meier Here’s a banking paradox for you.  If your credit union is like the Federal Reserve, you need to make sure that you have more currency on hand than ever before.  Despite [...]

Top Five Disaster Recovery Testing Issues

Top Five Disaster Recovery Testing Issues

By Kirk Drake If you are responsible for performing Disaster Recovery Testing for your organization or Credit Union this post is for you.   Disaster Recovery Testing is the process of simulating a recovery of your [...]

Is Your Credit Union Adaptive?

The age of disruption is upon us, and its progression is unpredictable yet continuous. Mobile, social, cloud, real-time, the biggest technological disruptors are just that…disruptive. It is in how we embrace disruption that allows [...]

CUNA Study: Credit Union Employment Is Booming

by. Gina Ragusa Job seekers should consider applying at a credit union as the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) reports that industry employment numbers are on the rise. Referencing data from the National Credit Union [...]