News Archives

The Mother of All Mandates

by Henry Meier Good luck and Godspeed to the credit union witnesses including Melrose Credit Union’s General Counsel Mitch Riever at today’s Congressional hearing on mandate relief for credit unions.  God knows there’[...]

Business Loans — Troubled Debt Restructuring

by Keith Leggett Credit unions reported holding $1.8 billion in troubled debt restructured (TDR) business loans at the end of 2012. Slightly more than $582 million of these troubled debt restructured loans were in [...]

What is WYCUP?

What is WYCUP?

by. Devin Selte, Servus Credit Union WYCUP is networking. WYCUP is growing. WYCUP is sharing. WYCUP is an opportunity to help us understand that as young leaders, we have the ability to do so much [...]

Reaching Members (And Potential Members) on Twitter

by Mark Arnold The Information Age is in full bloom with no end in sight. Millions of Americans and billions of people across the globe are taking full advantage of a variety of social media [...]

Is Your Credit Union At A Crossroads?

By Sean McDonald Whenever I think of the term “crossroads,” I think about the final scene in the Tom Hanks’ movie “Cast Away.”  Those of you who have seen the film will remember that after [...]

Credit Union Youth Week: NerdWallet’s Favorite Celebrations

Credit Union Youth Week is April 21st – 27th, 2013. This year, credit unions nationwide are encouraging their youngest members to solve the mystery of saving by becoming a Savings Sleuth. If you’ve been meaning [...]

The Ongoing War Against Savers and Saving Money

By Steve Topper Growing up many of us heard more than once that the great Albert Einstein once exclaimed that “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world.” Others claim that he called compound [...]

Get Over It? No, Embrace It.

by Anthony Demangone Did you ever have one of those days that caused to you to doubt your choice to to manage - to lead people? I can hear some of you out there...yes, [...]