News Archives

NCUA Board Meeting Summary

by. Mary Dunn, CUNA Deputy General Counsel Quarterly reports on the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) and Temporary Corporate Credit Union Stabilization Fund (TCCUSF) were the only items considered at the NCUA Board [...]

Credit Unions: Reinvent P2P Lending

by. Ron Shevlin Some university professors recently researched the effect of personal relationships on P2P lending platforms. They discovered three “effects”: Pipe effect. Friends of a borrower, especially close and off-line friends, act as financial “[...]

Bluebird vs. GoBank: The Rise of the Non-Bank

by. Robert McGarvey NEW YORK (MainStreet) -Alpesh Chokshi has a money-saving tip for you, but the big surprise is the source: He is a senior executive with American Express, a card long associated with the [...]

Eight Tips From Business Development Experts

Eight Tips From Business Development Experts

by. Mark Arnold This piece first appeared in the Lone Star Leaguer. As part of the CUNA Marketing & Business Development Council Conference last month, I facilitated an “Ask the BD Experts” panel discussion. In [...]

Humanness: The Antidote to Leadership Dysfunction

Humanness: The Antidote to Leadership Dysfunction

by. Matt Monge As I’ve read and considered the various ideas contained within any number of leadership-related books, the idea of dysfunction being related to our humanness, or lack thereof, becomes increasingly clear. Whether [...]

Keep Getting Blocked?

Keep Getting Blocked?

Four ways Credit Union Marketers can slam-dunk their ideas. by. Lisa Moore, Gira{ph} As credit union marketers we are sometimes the right-brained people on a team of left-brained realists.  In management meetings, we speak [...]

Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit Unions

Credit unions certainly have a lot to offer that traditional banks can’t compete with, but that’s not to say they don’t have any drawbacks either. Credit unions aren’t for everyone. Before [...]

The Boston Marathon – Unplanned but not Unprepared

by Robin Remines Yesterday started out like any other Monday – I made a pot of coffee and sat down to catch up on emails and prepare for a weekly conference call. While I was online, [...]

Is ‘Marketing’ A Bad Word to CDFIs?

As I’ve been out and about talking with more and more CDFIs lately, I’ve noticed something interesting: varied reactions to the word ‘marketing.’ It seems that for at least some CDFIs, the term ‘[...]

Demographics No Longer Effective For Financial Direct Marketing

by. Jim Marous Bank and credit union marketers have traditionally relied on the use of demographic segmentation as a means of targeting customers for product and service communication. Recent studies, however, provide growing evidence that [...]

On the Cheesecake Factory and Interest Rate Risk

by. Henry Meier I love a good piece of cheesecake as much as the next guy, but I don’t often order it when I go out to dinner because to me it can be [...]