News Archives

The Value of Payment Data

by. Jeff Falk For customers in this extremely competitive financial environment, it’s all about the fees — and as long as those fees are heading towards zero, customers are happy. What about financial institutions (FIs)? [...]

Be Your Own Journalist

Be Your Own Journalist

by Sarah Snell Cooke In elementary school, everyone learns the five biggies when it comes to asking and answering questions: who, what when, where and why. As a journalist, they're reinforced again and again. To [...]

Your Credit Union Needs “People”

by Bo McDonald Walt Disney once said: “You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.” No place is that [...]

What is a Single Point of Failure?

What is a Single Point of Failure?

by Royce Yeager Have you been reviewing your DR plan, checking its robustness and trying to mitigating failure points? This post is for you. First of all, what is a single point of failure? A [...]

Too Small to Succeed in Banking

by Jeff Marsico Conventional wisdom: The onslaught of new banking laws, regulations, and regulatory activism requires scale to absorb costs. Or, the rapid pace of technological change and the sophistication of hackers requires resources not [...]

How to Think Strategically

How to Think Strategically

At CUNA Mutual’s Business Development Unit we are always on the lookout for a compelling new business book.  Unfortunately, the business genre, which is flooded with new titles, is sorely lacking in strong material.  [...]

Can Payday Loans Really Be Regulated?

by. Henry Meier Payday loans are a cross between the weather and art.  They’re like the weather because everyone talks about them; they’re like art because they’re ultimately impossible to define yet [...]

Credit Union Unboxing

Credit Union Unboxing

Recently, I bought a new thermometer for our home. There was nothing wrong with our current model—it was programmable and did a fine job of controlling the heat and air conditioning. In fact, I [...]

Mortgage Reform…. Politics

by  Jim Blaine Sure you feel that this has gone on way too long with little result. Sounds a bit like the current state of our National political system - much talk, much arguing, much [...]

Succession Planning

Succession Planning

We have all heard of the importance of having a Succession Plan in place, usually for our critical senior executive roles.  Typically, the discussion is in the context of Replacement Planning, whether short-term or long-term, [...]