News Archives

Furniture, Van Halen, Brown M&Ms and Assumptions

Furniture, Van Halen, Brown M&Ms and Assumptions

by Anthony Demangone Recently, I asked a successful credit union CEO if he had any advice for a new CEO.  He mentioned a number of things, but one of them really struck me. As a [...]

Do You YP?

Do You YP?

A lot of businesses have young employees that have the ability to help out an organization tremendously.  Most credit unions are searching for ways to bring their average membership age down.  Tapping into your young [...]

Your Members Don’t Care About Price

Your Members Don’t Care About Price

Loyalty is built on customer experience, not cost Customer loyalty is a critical success factor for any business. And these days banks and credit unions face a huge question: Does it make more sense to [...]

Why Aerating Wine Is Like Implementing Predictive Analytics

by Kristin Locklear Sonoma. The backdrop for some of the nation’s most beautiful scenery and wine was also the backdrop for this year’s NAFCU CEOs and Senior Executives Conference.  And what a backdrop [...]

The Strategic Planning Problem

by Ron Shevlin There’s plenty of good advice out there on how to run a strategic planning session or offsite. As it pertains to credit unions, check out Mark Arnold’s blog or CU [...]

10 Common Credit Union Myths

10 Common Credit Union Myths

by Danielle Warchol There is a lot to love about credit unions, especially when they’re compared to banks. They lack the huge conglomerate feel that many big banks have, and they often have a [...]

Work With Me, People: Interviewing For A Job

Work With Me, People: Interviewing For A Job

by. Ed Brett In the past year I’ve conducted 30-plus interviews for “professional” positions reporting to me, positions requiring both technical skills and strong experience. After about the 10th interview I started making notes [...]

Stop Talking About Millennials Like We’re Not Here

by. Laura Li Analysts and commentators talk about millennials (also generally known as Gen-Y) in hushed tones, as if we’re not in the room and on the web, reading every single thing they postulate [...]

8 Characteristics of Creative Leaders

8 Characteristics of Creative Leaders

by. Matt Monge I hate to outline things that may generally be true of what some would consider “creative” leaders, because I don’t want that to misconstrued as me positing that some humans are [...]

What is Three-Dimensional Compliance?

by Steve Van Beek Last week, I shared two slides from my upcoming presentationHow the CFPB Impacts Your Credit Union at NAFCU's Directors Conference in Asheville, NC. One of the key takeaways will be the [...]

Why We Fired Our Trainers

Why We Fired Our Trainers

Earlier today, credit union leadership summarily fired all members of the Training staff. Usually, we would keep the reasons confidential due to trivialities our attorneys refer to as “laws” and “ethics”, but this situation was [...]