News Archives

Commit to a Leadership Continuity Plan

by Scott Albraccio When your senior executives move on to lead other credit unions, does your board and management consider it an honor? These types of moves could reflect well on your credit union’s [...]

Creating a “Wow” Credit Union Board Meeting

Creating a “Wow” Credit Union Board Meeting

By Michael Daigneault Consider a typical board meeting. There is a call to order, some chairman and CEO remarks, committee reports, a call for old and new business, then adjournment. Did you ever realize a [...]

Thank Mom For All Her Money Lessons

BY DAN RUTHERFORD Sunday is Mother’s Day. Thank me later if the date slipped your mind. As we take the day to celebrate all that our moms do for us, let’s not forget [...]

Does Director Pay and Taxes Impact Rates and Fees?

by Keith Leggett At one time, NCUA required that any converting credit union include the following information in any disclosure to its members. EXPENSES AND THEIR EFFECT ON RATES AND SERVICES. Most credit union directors [...]

Prepaid Cards for Jobless Benefits

Prepaid Cards for Jobless Benefits

by. Konrad Christensen In an effort to save money and be more efficient, 42 states in the U.S. now direct deposit monthly unemployment benefits to out-of-work consumers on reloadable prepaid cards, rather than mailing [...]

Change Happens: Navigating a Successful Data Conversion

Change Happens: Navigating a Successful Data Conversion

by. Mark Arnold Data conversions and technology systems. Just the thought is enough to make some financial institutions cringe. It’s not just the million of technology and project details that is challenging about a [...]