News Archives

FED Report Underscores Need For MBL Reform

by. Henry Meier A report released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York yesterday underscores that MBL reform is more than a proxy for the never ending battle between banks and credit unions:  it [...]

Lucky ’13 in 13′ Credit Union Growth Strategies

by John A. Vardallas, CAE, CUDE 2013 is the year of the snake. The snake is smart, coy and clever, but it is also ready to strike at any time, leaving those around it with [...]

Five Ways to Make a Credit Score Model Work for You

by Barrett Burns Times have changed since a promise and handshake were all you needed to get a loan. Now credit scores speak to your character. Most credit unions primarily rely on credit scores to [...]

Auto Loans Driving Credit Union Growth

Auto Loans Driving Credit Union Growth

Credit unions have been on a roll lately. Industry profits, assets, and membership have all grown significantly since 2007, with indications that these trends will continue into the foreseeable future. While this is welcome news [...]

How to Increase Purchase Mortgage Business

by Michael Corn With such a long period of low mortgage rates, credit unions and other financial institutions have been deluged with mortgage refinancing applications. But, as everyone knew and predicted, that deluge was going [...]

4 Sorts of Folks That Make $*!* Happen

4 Sorts of Folks That Make $*!* Happen

Organizations, products, services, and so on don’t just happen. I think sometimes we romanticize the process and make it into something it’s not. Other times, we make the mistake of thinking one part [...]

Three Steps to Successful New Product Implementation

by. Jeff Falk With the regulatory environment under constant flux and change, and of course security concerns bubbling at the surface of every consumer survey on mobile banking, it’s understandable that many financial institutions ([...]

Indirect Lending and the CFPB

Earlier this week the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued guidelines for how indirect auto lenders can avoid violating the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA).  In recent months, the CFPB focused on auto lenders potential [...]

Get Rid of the Boring Stuff At Your Credit Union

by Bo McDonald Starbucks and Southwest Airlines are really awesome companies. When I’ve been to at a conference listening to the speaker extoll the operations of such great companies, it always seems like someone [...]

5 Reasons Why Credit Unions in the Cloud is Awesome

5 Reasons Why Credit Unions in the Cloud is Awesome

by Royce Yeager Are you eyeing up Cloud as a replacement for your Credit Union IT configuration? This post is for you. 5. Stop Managing the Really Annoying Parts of IT Have you ever stayed [...]

The Most Useless Research Stat: Consumer Channel Preferences

by Ron Shevlin Quick two-question survey: Do you think that banks and credit unions should continue to increase their investment in the mobile channel? (Y/N) Do you think the “voice of the customer” is [...]