News Archives

Three Questions For The Newest Member Of The Board

by. Henry Meier If the CU Times is correct, then my very quiet campaign to be nominated to serve on the NCUA Board has failed.  The Obama Administration is set to nominate Rick Metsger, a [...]

Should I Refinance my Student Loan?

by. Rohit Chopra Last week, we published a report on student loan affordability, which discussed the low levels of activity in the student loan refinance market. Since that time, we’ve received a lot of [...]

How to Lead and Motivate Your Senior Management Team

by. Jason Boles I remember, not long ago, getting a frantic call for help from one of my client CEOs: “Jason, I need you to come out and talk to my managers; they just don’[...]

5 Things You Need to Build a Creative Culture

5 Things You Need to Build a Creative Culture

by. Matt Monge We all swoon at the creative cultures we see in some organizations. They have these crazy interior designs, their employees dress funny (why is it always skinny jeans?), but no one can [...]

Credit Unions Capitalize On Mobile Banking Trend

by. Angie Picardo It’s no secret that mobile banking has exploded in the past five years. As smartphone and tablet saturation increases, consumers have begun to expect that their financial institution will offer a [...]

Are RFPs Good or Bad?

Are RFPs Good or Bad?

Many, many years ago as a Chief Technology Officer, I remember gloriously putting together multiple RFPs (request for proposal) on a variety of topics.  Each one was well intentioned and I worked hard thinking that [...]

Go Green, Become More Effective with Document Management

by. Michelle Harbinak Shapiro The recent annual celebrations and educational efforts supporting Earth Day show the fight for a clean environment continues. While you may have a forward-thinking environmental policy, is that enough when you [...]

It’s All in the Details

It’s All in the Details

by. Amy Etheridge I recently made a purchase from a company called Origami Owl. The common observer might say that this company sells necklaces. In reality, it is a personal shopping experience that I have [...]

5 Leadership Lies

5 Leadership Lies

by. Matt Monge Recently I was speaking with a Gen Y professional on the phone during a sort of coaching conversation when the following took place. “I want to be a leader, but I keep [...]

Winning Strategy: Exceed at one Thing

Winning Strategy: Exceed at one Thing

by. Mark Arnold Is your credit union or bank still trying to be all things to all consumers? If your answer is yes, you certainly are not alone. Many Financial institutions have resisted the idea [...]