News Archives

Great Ideas and a Big Thought About Serving Younger Members

By Lisa Hochgraf In recent history, participants in CUES Net, the CUES-members-only listserv, were talking about how to best reach and serve younger members. Tonya Gail, marketing director at $86 million Box Elder Community Credit [...]

Loan Portfolio Management: Level 101 to Graduate Work

by. Bill Vogeney Part 6: The value of score migration analysis As an introduction, I was inspired to write this article for my series on portfolio management due to a post several months ago on [...]

Who Knew Vanilla Was So Expensive?

by. Henry Meier Remind me not to pick up the bill if I ever go to an ice cream parlor with Chairwoman Matz.  The vanilla she likes is way too expensive for me and the [...]

Everyone Comes Out a Winner

Everyone Comes Out a Winner

Sending privacy notices to consumers informing them of what types of personal information a financial institution will or will not disclose is a great idea. By law, financial institutions must fully inform the consumer of [...]

Investment Decisions: Reaching for Yield

As deposits continue to grow and loan growth is a struggle, many credit unions are wondering what they can do with their overnight funds to pull in some extra yield.  Below is a case study [...]

Credit Unions Warned About Ads’ Field Of Membership Language

The California Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) issued a warning about credit unions using certain language about their fields of membership in their advertising. In the April monthly bulletin, the California DFI issued a statement [...]

Everything Communicates

Everything Communicates

by. Mark Arnold Everything in your credit union or bank is communicating. While marketing pieces are important, they are just a tiny blip on your branding radar. As Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, once famously [...]

5 Ways the Cloud Can Save You Money

5 Ways the Cloud Can Save You Money

by. Royce Yeager The Cloud, The Cloud, The Cloud. Wondering where the rubber meets the road? This post is for you. The cloud has many advantages. Primary of which is the fact that with the [...]

6 Considerations for a Creative Culture

6 Considerations for a Creative Culture

by. Matt Monge Yesterday we looked at a creative culture from an individual level, but today I want to zoom out and look at it from a broader, organizational level. What are some practical considerations [...]

New Age Leaders Need Greatness, not Just Goodness

by John A. Vardallas, CAE, CUDE With all the recent events unfolding in the American business and political sector, perhaps the most concerning isn’t so much the competency of leadership, but rather its ethics. [...]